A Curious Case
On a certain occasion, a curious case occurred in Barranquilla (Colombia). A girl became gravely sick. Official science could not cure her. The girl presented the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, and she was becoming thin in general, accompanied by extreme weakness.
Official physicians proceeded as is customary. They administered penicillin, serum, etc., etc., without any results. Afterwards, while conversing in detail with the girl’s mother, they became aware that the mother was breastfeeding her girl, in spite of being pregnant again.
The mother was pregnant with a baby of the masculine sex and logically, her breast milk was not suitable for a child of the opposite sex, because the constitution of the mother’s milk is different in each case.
Therefore, a meeting of physicians took place and they arrived at the conclusion that the improper milk should be eliminated from the girl’s sick organism. Thus, they proceeded as customary, with innumerable remedies and prescriptions that instead of curing the girl, were making her organism worse.
Then, somebody informed the physicians that an Indian was in the city who knew a great deal about medicine. So, the Indian was called by the physicians. He entered into the room of the sick girl while those doctors were still meeting around the bed of the sick girl. The Indian (a native from the state of Bolivar, Colombia) saw the girl and said: “This girl has been nourished with bad milk from a pregnant woman. However, I am going to take the milk from her body at once.” Consequently, he sent a boy to his house to bring him a determined medicament.
The Indian gave the girl the remedy to drink and after a few minutes, the girl felt the necessity of evacuating. When performing this physiological function, the girl excreted the faulty milk before the sight of the astonished physicians, who, with pencils in their hands, were asking the Indian for the medicament’s formula. Yet, after showing them the faulty milk within a bottle, the Indian looked at them with the most profound despise and left that home without the astonished physicians learning about the mysterious formula.
The girl was totally healed and medical science was totally mocked.
Later on, the Indian did not have any trouble in revealing the formula to me. This formula is as follows:
Obtain colostrum from the breast of a woman whose child is of the same sex of the sick child. This must be mixed with the milk of the “Perrillo” tree which is a very well known tree in Antioquia (Colombia).
If the child is male and he drank milk from a pregnant woman whose pregnancy is of a female fetus, then the colostrum of another woman who is nourishing a boy will be given to the sick male child, and vice versa: if the sick child is a girl, then colostrum from another woman who is nourishing a baby girl is used.
The Gnostic medic must always have these remedies previously prepared.