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The Cosmic Egg

In the beginning of this century, Einstein, the famous author of the Theory of Relativity, conceived in his genius mind a curved, finite universe, enclosed like an egg. The tremendous exclamation of this extraordinary man still comes into our memory. He said, “The infinite tends to a limit.”

It is not ignored that later on, Edwin Hubble, at the famous Observatory at Mount Wilson, discovered with great astonishment that all the galaxies that abide in the infinite space are moving away from each other at fantastic velocities.

This is an undeniable fact. Disgracefully, George Lemaitre did not know how to comprehend this, and in searching for causes, he arrived at mistaken conclusions.

“If the universe is in a constant expansion [he absurdly explained] it is because it exploded from the center of a primeval atom in a foregone day.”

Lemaitre, with his incorrect calculations, firmly believed that his primeval, original nucleus had an exiguous, small, insignificant diameter, only the distance from the Earth to the Sun, in other words, 150 million kilometers.

Certainly, let us imagine at least for an instant the infinite space proportionally minuscule. Such a primeval nucleus, in accordance with Lemaitre, would have so frightful a density that (because of the very proximity of the atoms) the temperature would rise (as a natural consequence) to hundreds of millions of degrees above zero.

In this inconceivable temperature, in accordance with that theory, the liberated atomic energy would be so great and the cosmic radiation so intense, that everything would burst asunder. Therefore, the profound explosion would be like the eruption of a terrible and frightful volcano.

All of this is marvelous, but who placed that cosmic egg there? What existed before? Why did this cosmic explosion have to be performed in a determined mathematical instant and not before or after? Where is the foundation for such a theory? Who would be the eyewitness to the facts of this hypothesis?

We, the Gnostics, comprehend in depth that the galaxies are moving away from one another; this is already demonstrated. But, it does not forcefully signify that all of them departed from the same, singular nucleus.

Einstein said, “Mass transforms itself into energy.” All the wise men of the world bowed in reverence before this tremendous truth. The great mathematician also said, “Energy transforms itself into mass.” No one could reject this postulation either.

There is no doubt that “energy equals mass multiplied by the square of the velocity of light.”

These wise postulations demonstrate that the mass of all the universes is eternal and immutable. Matter disappears and reappears in a type of flux and reflux, activity and repose, day and night.

The worlds are born, they grow, get old, and finally die. They cease to exist in order to become energy, and when this energy crystallizes into mass, they re-emerge, reborn anew.

A zero hour, a common root, does not exist in time counted retrospectively in all of the seven cosmos, which in their conjunction seethe and palpitate in the infinite space. We can clarify that when we say common root, we concretely refer to the concept of a zero hour in time. This does not signify in any way that we deny the zero hour in an absolute way. This zero hour exists, but, particularly for each universe, for every solar system in their pre-manifested cosmic state.

In other words, we will say that each solar system of the unalterable infinite has its Mahamanvantaras and Mahapralayas, meaning, its cosmic days and nights, epochs of activity and repose.

Millions of solar systems exist within this galaxy in which we move and have our Being, and while some of them are found in their zero hour, others are in complete activity. This is also repeated in the human being and in the atom; it is repeated in all that was, is, and will be.

Modern scientists try to explain all of these things, but only based on the natural laws. It becomes frightfully ridiculous to want to exclude the intelligent principles of such laws. Each world of the starry space possesses its own Fohat, which is omnipresent in its own sphere of action.

Beyond all doubt, we can and must emphatically affirm that there are as many Fohats existing as there are worlds. Each one of these vary in power and in degree of manifestation. Millions, billions, and trillions of Fohats exist, and these are in themselves conscious and intelligent forces. Truly, the Fohats are the constructors, the sons of the dawn of the Mahamanvatara (cosmic day), they are the true Cosmocreators.

Our solar system, which was brought into existence by these agents, is certainly constituted by seven parallel universes.

Therefore, Fohat is the electric, vital, personified power, the transcendental unity that embraces all of the cosmic energies in our tridimensional world, as well as in the parallel universes of the superior and inferior dimensions.

Fohat is the Word made flesh, the messenger of the cosmic and human ideation, the active force within the universal life, the solar energy, the electric vital fluid.

Fohat is called “The One Who Penetrates” and “The Builder,” because Fohat gives form to the atoms that are proceeding from the unformed matter by means of the Puncta. Mathematics, the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, are found hidden within the Fohat.     

Any explanation of cosmic mechanics that excludes the noumenon behind the phenomena, the Fohat behind any cosmogenesis, would be as absurd as to suppose that a car could appear by spontaneous generation, as a product of chance, without special fabrication, without engineers, without mechanics, etc.

The trajectory of galaxies never indicate that they have their origin or point of departure in such a reduced nucleus as the hypothetical egg of Lemaitre. As proof of this, we have that the angle of dispersion always varies between 20 and 30 degrees, in other words, that these galaxies could have passed away in an enormous distance from the supposed center.