Arcana 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 20
The Twentieth Arcanum is Resurrection; this is very important: it is stated in occult esotericism that Hiram Abiff or Chiram Osiris is dead in the Ninth Sphere, in the heart of the Earth. It is said that in order to reach the sepulcher, we must pass through the nine underground cellars, the nine strata of the interior of our planetary organism. This Ninth Sphere is in our human organism; it is the sex. Yes, the intimate Christ is dead in the sex, and the resurrection of Him is only possible in the sex.
The subject matter about the resurrection is something grandiose. Jonah was in the belly of the whale for “three days” and Jesus resurrected on the “third day.” This is symbolic; the great whale of Jonah is the same Earth, our very planetary organism. The three days are symbolic because these are “three periods of esoteric work” before reaching the resurrection of the intimate Christ within ourselves:
First Day: the Second Birth.
Second Day: the killing of the three traitors.
Third Day: the resurrection of the Lord.
Here we find the Three Factors of the revolution of the consciousness:
1. To die
2. To be born
3. To sacrifice for humanity
Lobsang Rampa stated that he was as if dead for three days inside of a sarcophagus. This is symbolic; there is no school that does not talk about these three days. Various pseudo-esoteric schools emphasize the fact that three days must be endured in a sepulcher in order to attain realization of the Self. Lobsang Rampa said that in that interval of time of three days, his body lay as if it were dead in the grave, and that he learned many things in the superior worlds. This is a symbolic initiatic ceremony that delivers to us a teaching. However, we must make a differentiation between the symbolic teaching and the teaching that is lived.
Jesus was in the sepulcher and He resurrected after three days; then He remained for eleven years teaching and instructing (The Pistis Sophia refers to this). It was well known in the archaic times about these three days in the sepulcher. In the traditions of the Samothracians and among the Mayans, the Egyptians, and the Aztecs, the sepulcher and the three days are found. The aspirants to adepthood were taken to volcanoes, chambers, or closed sepulchers which had the form of a fish. Let us remember that the coffin of Osiris, in the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs in the sunny land of Kem, had the form of a fish.
This reminds us of Oannes who remained for three days within his sepulcher, a tradition which has been lost in the profound night.
It is stated by ancient traditions that are lost within the frightful night of all times, that during this interval, while the body of the initiate was laid down as a cadaver within the coffin, the soul which was absent from the dense human form experienced directly in the superior worlds the ritual of life and death. Masonry has not forgotten its coffin.
There is something which shows that Tuesday Lobsang Rampa and other authors do not possess an integral knowledge; this is due to the fact that they mistake the funeral symbol of three days with the crude reality hidden within the depth of it. It is as if we get confused with the flag, which is a symbol, or confused with the two columns Jachin and Boaz which are an esoteric symbol representing the man and the woman. Likewise, the funeral coffin is a symbol. In ancient times there was the custom of leaving the initiate three days within the sepulcher, but everything has its limits, and beyond that limit we have to develop all of the knowledge. It is necessary to go deep in the reality.
What is signified by Jesus rising out of the sepulcher? What is signified by Jonah being vomited out from the belly of the whale after being three days within it?
An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah:
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. - Matthew 12:39-40
This is symbolic; Jonah states that he was submerged within the waters and into the bottom of the mountains. The earth with her bars was about him forever, but he cried from within the profundities of the earth unto Jehovah. The abyss that closed around him is very significant. By going into this more profoundly, let us remember the “Leviathan,” that marvellous fish that lives beneath the waters of the sea. [Isaiah 27:1; Job 41:1; Psalms 74:14, 104:26]
This is the First Day, when we submerge within ourselves. It is that day when all of us must descend into the subterranean worlds in order to build the bodies which will grant unto us the Second Birth. The First Day is when we have to descend into the bottom of the Tartarus, thus, as the law of Leviathan.
In the Second Day, it is necessary to return to the bottom of the abyss in order to remain there until the creations that we made with our evil actions are destroyed.
It is indubitable that superlative transformation is only possible with the resurrection of the intimate Christ in the heart of the human being. This is the culminating step of the Third Day, the instant in which the Earth, or the glowing constellation of the whale, vomits out the Prophet Jonah in order for him then to go and teach at Niniveh in order for him to return unto the Father. Jonah was converted into a Resurrected Master after being vomited from the whale. He then was sent to teach. For that reason he has a right to the ascension. Every exaltation is preceded by a humiliation. The humiliation is the descent into the infernal worlds.
These three days will give us an answer related with something more profound; whosoever has understanding let this person understand. It is necessary to comprehend and meditate that the Leviathan, that one who is moving through the waters, is the true master that has been decapitated and decapitated again. Who is capable of decapitating the Leviathan? Who is capable of hurting the one who has already received all harms and become resurrected? Let us be converted into Resurrected Masters.
The cross as symbol is one thing, but the work that we have to perform in the Ninth Sphere is another. The symbol and the work are correlated.
All of the progress in these studies is based on the Kabbalah.
The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Arcana have not been well understood; this is why it is necessary to be more profound in these studies. In the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, when Typhon had the form of a fish, he cut the body of Osiris into pieces. When Isis—the Divine Mother, spouse, and sister of Osiris—intended to resurrect him, she only found “thirteen” pieces; the fourteenth piece, which was the phallus, was not found. Thirteen is death; it is obvious that Osiris must pass three days in the sepulcher, and those three days are equivalent to the three steps of the decapitation of the ego. Isis found thirteen pieces, and She did not find the fourteenth, the “phallus,” because every lustful element was already dead in Him. He attained a complete death. Only like this can Osiris present himself victorious in the Temple of Maat (the Truth). Only like this can He utter the Negative Confession, because He no longer has ego; He has a pure Spirit.
The subject matter about Osiris in the sepulcher is very important. He is completely dead, and only on the Third Day is He resurrected.
1. Generation
2. Degeneration
3. Regeneration
The extraordinary and marvellous form of the old coffin of Osiris, because of its likeness and significance, naturally brings into the memory another fish which is magnificently represented in the Semitic alphabet by the letter X Samech, which is a letter that occupies the Fifteenth Kabbalistic place, which in the beginning undoubtedly symbolized the famous constellation of the whale, a constellation under which we have to perform all of the works in the Ninth Sphere. This constellation is related with the event of Jonah and also related with the measurements of the coffin of Osiris which has the form of a fish. This is why Osiris had to descend into the black and terrifying precipice in order to pass through the three days in the belly of the whale.
This is intimately related with the Thirteenth Arcanum, in other words three descents into the infernal worlds. Each descent takes a period of time and gives three days in the holy sepulcher. Jonah worked three days, three periods, with sex, and at the end of the three days, the whale vomited him, and afterwards he went to preach.
The whale corresponds to the Fifteenth Kabbalistic Arcanum, and this invites us to reflect. The Fifteenth Arcanum is Typhon Baphomet, the Devil, the animal passion. This invites us to comprehend what the work in the Ninth Sphere (sex) is.
If one fails in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Arcana, if one is not capable to work within the whale, then it is obvious that one goes downward, towards the precipice with the Sixteenth Arcanum, which is the Fulminated Tower. The initiate who spills the Glass of Hermes will be fulminated by the Sixteenth Arcanum of the constellation of Aries. The initiate, straightened by the lightning of cosmic justice, will fall from the tower with the head aiming downwards and the legs aiming upwards as the inverted pentalpha.
The Seventeenth Arcanum, the Star of Hope, is for the individual who has never been fulminated, to the one who is capable of reaching the Venustic Initiation. If we add this arcanum in itself we have: 1 + 7 = 8, which is the number of Job, related with patience, ordeals, and sufferings.
If we Kabbalistically add the numbers of the Fifteenth Arcanum of the constellation of the whale, we will have the following result: 1 + 5 = 6. The number six in the Tarot is the arcanum of the Lover. It is the arcanum of the Human Soul who is between virtue and passion. You must be wisely polarized with the Sixth Arcanum, in order to defeat the frightful Fifteenth Arcanum of the constellation of the whale.
Remember dear reader, that in the center of your chest you have a very special magnetic point which captures the waves of light and glory that come from your Human Soul. The Human Soul is Tiphereth, the Sixth Arcanum of the Tarot. Listen and obey the orders which emanate from your Human Soul, act in accordance with those intimate impulses. Work in the forge of the Cyclops when your Soul requires it from you. If you learn to obey you will not perish in the belly of the whale.
Behold! You have turned into a fish who works within the chaotic waters of the first instant. Now you will comprehend why the coffin of Osiris has the form of a fish.
It is unquestionable that the seven days or periods in the book of Genesis of Moses are synthesized in these three days and three nights of Jonah within the belly of the whale. This is an initiatic ceremony that was repeated by the great Kabir Jesus in the holy sepulcher.
The Prophet Jonah, working under the regency of the constellation of the whale, being inside of the well of the universe, in the Ninth Sphere (sex), performed his work in three days or three more or less long periods:
First Day: He descends into the infernal worlds in order to build the solar bodies, the wedding garment of the soul, and to establish within himself a permanent center of consciousness. To descend into the infernos of Nature is necessary; this is a period of elimination until destroying Seth, until achieving the Second Birth.
Second Day: He descends into the abyss in order to confront frightful sacrifices; he utilizes the creative energy for the destruction of the subjective elements of the ego. This work is performed in the lunar infernal worlds, within the sub-lunar regions to which the esoteric books refer. Then, the three traitors of the intimate Christ—Judas, Pilate, and Caiaphas—are radically eliminated, as well as the atoms of the Secret Enemy. Also the dragon of darkness, the red dragon, must be disintegrated. Then the work is continued by eliminating the submerged secondary beasts within which the consciousness is bottled up.
Third Day: One must return to the bottom of the abyss in order to finish with innumerable deeds from previous lives. One continues dying in the spheres of Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, etc. On the Third Day, the black waters are transformed into resplendent light, and the destruction of ancient atoms culminate with the mystical resurrection.
Each one of the three days culminates with the following:
A) The first period of time concludes with the Second Birth, of which the great Kabir Jesus spoke unto the Rabbi Nicodemus.
B) The second period finishes when the consciousness is liberated, with a marvellous wedding resulting. The wedding of the Human Soul with the Valkyrie or Guinevere, the Queen of the Jinns, who is the Spiritual and feminine Soul, Buddhi, within which the flame of the Spirit is always burning, the flame of Brahma. Unto the women we say that they then get married with the Eternal Beloved One.
C) The third period magisterially concludes with the resurrection of the intimate Christ within our own heart. The ascension into the superior worlds comes as a logical consequence.
Now we are just receiving information, but one must live and experience this information directly. Do not stray, but keep firm.
You must study the prayer of Jonah; it is precious. Magnificent esoteric arcana are enclosed in it.
You must study the book of Jonah in the Old Testament; investigate all of the archaic information concerning these three days. They must be comprehended very deeply because many people are ignorant about the work in the subterranean world.
Indeed, this subject matter is related with the Twelfth card of the Tarot, because 1 + 2 = 3 (three days). In this card a man is hanged from his foot and forms a cross with his legs; his arms form a triangle with his head aiming downwards. All this indicates to us that he descends into the well of the abyss. This is the Apostolate.
There are twenty-two arcana because twenty-two is the Truth, the Tetragrammaton, the Iod Hei Vav Hei, and there must be twenty-two arcana in order to clarify it.