The Superman
One codex of Anahuac states that, “The Gods created humans of wood, and after having created them, fused them with divinity.” But later adds, “Not all humans achieve integration with divinity.”
Unquestionably, before integrating the human being with that which is the reality, what is first of all necessary is to create the Human Being.
The intellectual animal (mistakenly called a human being) is in no manner a Human Being.
If we compare a Human Being with the intellectual animal, then we can verify for ourselves the concrete fact that, although the intellectual animal physically resembles a Human Being, psychologically he is absolutely different.
Unfortunately, everyone thinks incorrectly, they presume they are Humans, qualifying themselves as such.
We have always believed that a Human Being is the king of creation. So far, the intellectual animal has not shown that he is even the king of himself. If he is not a king of his own psychological processes, if he cannot direct them at will, much less will he be able to govern Nature.
We cannot in any way accept a human being turned into a slave, incapable of governing himself, having been changed into a toy of the bestial forces of Nature.
Either we are kings of the universe or we are not. With reference to the latter, unquestionably, the concrete fact that we have not yet reached the state of a Human Being has been proven.
The Sun has deposited the seeds within the sexual glands of the intellectual animal in order to germinate a Human Being.
Obviously, such seeds can develop or be ultimately lost.
If we want those seeds to develop, it is essential to cooperate with the efforts that the Sun is making in order to create Humans.
An authentic Human Being must work intensively with the clear purpose of eliminating from within himself the undesirable elements which he carries inside.
If the real Human Being does not eliminate such elements from himself, he will then fail lamentably. He will become a miscarriage of the Cosmic Mother, a failure.
A Human Being who truly works on himself with the purpose of awakening consciousness can integrate with divinity.
Indeed, the Solar Human Being integrated with divinity is actually converted into a Super Human Being by his own right.
To become a Super Human Being, a Superman, is not easy. There is no doubt that the road which leads to the Superman is beyond good and evil.
A thing is good when it suits us and bad when it does not. Within the rhythms of poetry, crime is also concealed. There is much virtue in the villain and much evil in the virtuous.
The road which leads to the Superman is the path of the razor’s edge. This path is filled with perils from both within and without.
Evil is dangerous and good is also dangerous. The frightening path is beyond good and evil; it is terribly cruel.
Any moral code can detain us on our way toward the SUPER-MAN. Attachments to such and such yesterdays, to such and such scenes, can halt us on the road which leads to the Superman.
However wise norms and procedures may be, they can obstruct us in our progress toward becoming a Superman if they are bottled up in this or that fanaticism, in this or that prejudice, or in this or that idea.
The Superman can distinguish good from evil and evil from good; he grasps the sword of cosmic justice and is beyond both good and evil.
The Superman, having liquidated within himself all good and evil values, has become someone whom nobody understands; he is the ray, the flame of the Universal Spirit of life, resplendent in the countenance of Moses.
In every refuge on the path, some anchorite gives his offerings to the SUPER-MAN, but the latter continues on his way beyond the good intentions of anchorites.
That which was spoken about by people beneath the sacred portals of the temples has great beauty; however, the Superman is beyond the pious sayings of people.
The Superman is the lightening and his word is the thunder which disintegrates the powers of good and evil.
The Superman shines in the darkness, but darkness hates the Superman.
The masses qualify the Superman as perverse for the very fact that he does not fit in with indisputable dogmas, neither within pious phrases, nor within the upright morality of serious people.
People abhor the Superman. They crucify him amongst criminals because they do not understand him, because they prejudge him, viewing him through the psychological lenses of what is believed to be holy, even if it is evil.
The Superman is like a flash of lightening which falls over the perverse, or like the brilliance of something which is not understood and which is later lost in mystery.
The Superman is not a saint, nor is he perverse; he is beyond sanctity and perversity. Nevertheless, people qualify him as holy or perverse.
The Superman glimmers for a moment within the darkness of this world and soon afterwards disappears forever.
Within the Superman, the Red Christ, the revolutionary Christ, the Lord of the great rebellion radiantly shines.