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Chapter 22

Philip questioneth Jesus

It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished saying these words, while Philip sat and wrote all the words that Jesus spake, —thereafter then it came to pass that Philip came forward, fell down and adored the feet of Jesus, saying: “My Lord and Saviour, grant me authority to discourse before thee and to question thee on this word, before thou discoursest with us concerning the regions whither thou didst go because of thy ministry.”

And the compassionate Saviour answered and said unto Philip: “Authority is given thee to bring forward the word which thou willest.”

And Philip answered and said unto Jesus: “My Lord, on account of what mystery hast thou changed the binding of the rulers and their aeons and their Fate and their sphere and all their regions, and made them confounded in confusion on their path and deluded in their course? Hast thou then done this unto them for the salvation of the world or has thou not?”

If the intimate Lord had not made forgiveness and negotiations possible, many who could have been saved would have sunk.

Negotiations and forgiveness were made possible for the salvation of the world.

The Great Compassionate One loves this entire suffering humanity.