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When the Gnostic reaches Imaginative Knowledge he sees the symbols but he does not understand them. He comprehends that all of nature and the ego are a living scripture that he does not know. The Gnostic then needs to elevate himself towards the Inspired Knowledge, in order to interpret the sacred symbols of great nature and the abstract language of the ego.

Inspired Knowledge grants us the power of interpreting the symbols of great nature and the confused language of the ego.

The interpretation of symbols is very delicate. Symbols must be analyzed coldly, without superstition, maliciousness, mistrust, pride, vanity, fanaticism, prejudgments, preconceptions, hatred, envy, greed, jealousy, etc. All of these factors belong to the “I.”

When the “I” interferes by translating and interpreting symbols, it then alters the meaning of the secret writing and the orientation which symbolically the Being wants to give us in relation with our own internal psychological state.

Interpretation must be tremendously analytical, highly scientific, and essentially mystical. It is necessary to learn how to see and how to interpret in the absence of the loose cathexis, that is, the ego, the “myself.”

It is necessary to learn how to interpret the symbols of the great nature and those of the bound cathexis in the absolute absence of the “I.” Nonetheless, self-criticism must be multiplied because when the “I” of the Gnostic believes that he knows a lot he then feels himself to be infallible, omniscient, and wise, he even supposes that he sees and interprets in the absence of the “I.”

There is a need to know how to interpret based upon the Law of Philosophical Analogies, on the Law of Correspondences, and on the numerical Kabbalah.

We recommend The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune and my book Tarot and Kabbalah; study them.

Whosoever has hatred, resentment, jealousy, envy, pride, etc., does not achieve the elevatation of himself towards Inspired Knowledge.

When we elevate ourselves to Inspired Knowledge, we understand and comprehend that the accidental accumulation of objects does not exist. Really, all phenomena of nature and all objects are found intimately and organically joined together, internally dependent upon each other and mutually conditioning each other. Really, no phenomena of nature can be integrally comprehended if we consider it isolated.

Everything is in incessant movement. Everything changes, nothing is quiet. In every object the internal struggle exists. An object is positive and negative at the same time. Quantitative transforms itself into qualitative.

Inspired Knowledge permits us to know the inner relationship between everything which is, has been, and will be.

Matter is nothing but condensed energy. The infinite modifications of energy are absolutely unknown; this is true as much for historic materialism as for dialectic materialism.

Energy is equal to mass multiplied by the velocity of the light squared. We the Gnostics separate ourselves from the antithetical struggle which exists between metaphysics and dialectical materialism. Those are the two poles of ignorance, the two antitheses of error.

We walk on another path; we are Gnostics, we consider life as a whole. The object is a point in space which serves as a vehicle to specific sums of values.

Inspired Knowledge permits us to study the intimate existent relationship between all shapes, all psychological values and nature.

Dialectic materialism does not know the values. It only studies the object. Metaphysics does not know the values or the object.

Therefore, we, the Gnostics, withdraw ourselves from these two antitheses of ignorance. We, the Gnostics, study the human being and nature integrally, seeking an integral revolution.

The Gnostic who wants to reach Inspired Knowledge must concentrate profoundly on music. The Magic Flute of Mozart reminds us of an Egyptian Initiation. The nine symphonies of Beethoven and many other great classical compositions like Wagner’s Parsifal (among others) elevate us to Inspired Knowledge.

The Gnostic, profoundly concentrated on the music, must absorb himself within it, as a bee within honey, which is the product of his whole labor.

When the Gnostic has already reached Inspired Knowledge, he must then prepare himself for Intuitive Knowledge.