The Intellect
That which one studies must be transformed into consciousness through spontaneous meditation, otherwise it destroys the intellect.
It is necessary to practice undivided, integral meditation at the hour when one feels like doing so. Meditation must not be mechanical.
It is necessary to acquire the mathematical equilibrium between the Being and Knowledge: 20 + 20 = 40; 40 - 20 = 20.
The intellectual one only sees things through his theories. There are two types of intellect:
- The commonly known sensual intellect.
- The intellect which is given by the Being; this is a conscious intellect.
There are degrees in the Objective Reasoning of the Being. These degrees are measured according to the number of tridents upon the horns of Lucifer.
It is not necessary to verbalize theories, hypotheses, and preconceptions when the interior mind is opened.
Subjective science is that which belongs to those who are enclosed in the sensual mind and who live within suppositions [read the twelfth chapter of The Great Rebellion by the same author].
Pure science is only within the reach of those who have the Interior Mind and among those who develop themselves amidst triangles, octagons, and squares...