The Requisite
The crude reality of facts demonstrates to us that many are those who have not comprehended the transcendence of the Gnostic esoteric work, and that great majorities are not good heads of households.
When one is not a good head of household, it is clear that one is not prepared to enter onto the path of the razor’s edge. In order to work on the revolution of the dialectic, one needs to have reached the level of being a good head of household.
A fanatic, lunatic, whimsical type of person, etc., cannot be good for an integral revolution. A subject who does not fulfill the duties of his home cannot achieve the great change. A person who is a bad father, a bad wife, a bad husband, or a person who abandons his home for whichever man or woman, will never be able to arrive at a radical transformation.
The cornerstone of revolutionary psychology requires that one has a perfect equilibrium at home by being a good spouse, a good parent, a good sibling, and a good child. One must have perfect completion of his duties that exist with this suffering humanity. One must convert himself into a decent person.
Whoever does not fulfill these requirements will never be able to advance in these revolutionary studies.