The Heaven of Saturn
The seventh labor of Heracles, the solar hero, was the capture of the mares of Diomedes, who was the son of Mars and the king of the warrior Bistonian people. These mares killed and ate castaways who arrived on their coast.
Only after defeating the Bistonians in furious combat, who with Diomedes had to defend their possessions, Heracles and his friends achieved the seizure of those beasts. King Diomedes’ remains were given as pasture to those anthropophagus Mares.
I had to capture and destroy the mares of Diomedes within the Saturnian infernos. These were profoundly submerged infrahuman passional elements within my own unconscious abysses...
These symbolic beasts were beside the spermatic waters of the first instant, always ready to devour the ones who had failed...
During that epoch of my present existence, I was incessantly attacked within the tenebrous Tartarus...
The adepts of evil Atlantean magic resolved with outrageous ferocity to combat me, and I had to courageously defend myself...
Beloved, nubile ladies, dangerously exquisite malignant beauties, besieged me everywhere...
Unquestionably, we experience, resuscitate, and revive the Atlantean terrors within the Saturnian infernos...
Heracles, as stated by Aelino (Various Histories, book V, C.3), cleansed the Earth and the seas of not only monsters but of every type of monstrosity, as when he defeated the necromancer Briareo, the one with one hundred arms, in one of his celebrated labors or triumphs against the evil Atlantean magic, which became the master of the whole Earth.
Heracles (the true Aryan Krishna of The Mahabharata), when foreseeing the final Atlantean catastrophe that was approaching (which included the vanishing of the divine Garden of Hesperides) transplanted the symbolic initiatic tree everywhere he went, in other words, in all Punjab, Minor Asia, Syria, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Germany, British Islands, Spain, Mauritania, and even America, under the name of Quetzalcoatl (the luminous white serpent). Because of this, all these countries were saved from the great catastrophe.
Notwithstanding, it is written:
Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. - Genesis 2:16-17
To inebriate ourselves with the delectable aroma of the forbidden fruit is indispensable. Thus, this is how Heracles taught it...
Before the escape of the insurmountable ocean, which is a barrier for the human being, Heracles stretched forth his bow against the sun, as if to hurt it, in order to stop it from its rapid race far off into the distant ocean. It was sinking and Heracles was unable to follow it, but the God Apollo commanded him to remain quiet and patient—because it is only with infinite patience that the “Magnus Opus,” the “Great Work,” can be performed. Therefore, Apollo gave him as a gift a “Golden Cup,” the “Holy Grail,” the resplendent and eternal symbol of the uterus or feminine yoni...
It is unquestionable that the arrow of Heracles is nothing but the Magnes Stone, the phallus or spear of Longinus, the Roman centurion. This is the spear with which the side of the Lord was hurt, the same holy spear which with its secret power Parsifal healed the wound in Amfortas’ side...
In hard battles, I defeated the king of the Bistonians, the knights of the Black Grail, Klingsor, the animal ego, with the miraculous power of these venerated relics...
When finalizing the Saturnian labor within the abode of Pluto, I was then transported with the eidolon to the “solar land” of the Hyperboreans...
This is the island of Avalon, the magical region of the “Jinns,” where the holy gods abide...
This is the sublime island of Apollo, a solid land in the midst of the great ocean of life, free in its movement...
Ah!.. If the Emperor Frederick of medieval times would have performed the mystery of the Grail, the Hyperborean mystery, within himself... Then, undoubtedly, the withered tree of the empire would have flourished again in a splendid way... Also it is clear that the kingdom of the Grail would have marvellously reappeared within the very sacred Roman Empire...
The path of life is formed by the prints of the hooves of the horse of death...
To perform the Hyperborean mystery in oneself without having been judged in the great Hall of Truth-Justice is impossible...
To perform the mystery of the Grail within oneself is impossible without previously having weighed the heart of the defunct on the plate of the scale that is carried by Truth-Justice...
The realization of the Innermost Self, the Being, is not possible without having been declared “dead” in the Hall of Truth-Justice.
The legend of the centuries states that many initiates travelled in the past to the country of the Brother John—the solar land—in order to receive certain very special magical esoteric consecrations...
These brothers of the “Order of Saint John” on that “island of the solar Apollo” are completely dead...
Then, it is not strange that I also would have to travel to that “land of light” or “solar light.”
In the glorious vestibule of this Saturnian sancta, before the royal beings, I who was seated had to answer certain questions. The holy gods took note of this in a great book...
In those mystical instants, there emerged upon the whole presence of my cosmic Being some remembrances...
Ah!... I had been here before, in this very holy place, before these venerable Thrones, many million of years ago, during the epoch of the “continent Mu” or Lemuria...
Now I was victoriously returning after having suffered a lot. Woe! Woe! Woe!...
After filling the indispensable esoteric requisites, I left the vestibule and entered into the temple...
Unquestionably, the Temple of Saturn in the “solar land,” the “Jinn land” of the septentrional regions, was full of intense darkness...
It is clear that the Sun and Saturn alternate their labor in the government of this world...
I saw the Thrones as they sat down... The angels of death were coming and going, here, there, and everywhere...
Divine people arrived in the temple. They came from diverse places of the enchanted island, which is situated at the extreme of the world...
“Thule ultima a Sole nomen habens.” “Ajryanem-Vaejo” is the septentrional country of the ancient Persians where the palace of King Arthur is magically situated, as is Midgard, the resplendent sacrosanct residence of the “Aesir,” the ineffable Nordic Lords...
Oh Maat! Lo and behold that I arrive before thee! Allow me then to contemplate your radiant beauty! Behold how my arm rises while praising your sacrosanct name!
Oh Truth-Justice, hear me! I arrive before the places where trees never grow, where the ground brings forth not any plant...
The skeletal figure of the god of death on the platform of the sanctuary weighed my heart on the scale of cosmic justice before that divine humanity...
That Verb of Potency before the brilliant beings dressed with glorious bodies of Kam-ur pronounced me “dead...”
On the platform of the sanctuary a symbolic coffin was shown. Within it appeared my cadaver...
Thus, this is how I returned into the heaven of Saturn, the Paranirvana, the abode of the Thrones.
Thus, this is how I reconquered that hierarchial state which in a foregone time I had lost when I committed the grave error of eating the golden apples from the Garden of Hesperides...
Posteriorly, I passed through the ceremony of death: When I returned to my house I found myself with something unusual...
I saw funeral cards on the walls of my mansion announcing my death and inviting others to the burial...
When I passed through the threshold, with mystical astonishment I found a very beautiful coffin of a white color...
It is clear that within that funeral box my cadaver lay there, completely cold and inert...
Many relatives and sorrowful people bitterly cried and mourned around that coffin...
Delectable flowers scented the environment of that room with their aroma...
I approached my mother who in those instants was wiping her tears with a handkerchief...
I kissed her hands with infinite love and uttered: “I thank you, oh Mother, for the physical body that you granted me! That vehicle greatly served me. It was certainly a marvellous instrument, but everything in life has a beginning and an end...”
When I left that planetary abode, I joyfully resolved to float within the aura of the universe...
I saw myself converted into a child, without ego, lacking the subjective elements of perception...
My little, infantile, tiny shoes did not appear to me as beautiful. For an instant I wanted to take them off. But, then I said to myself, “He will dress me as he wishes...”
While in absence of the mortifying intellect that does not make anyone happy, only the purest sentiment existed within me...
When I remembered my old father and my brother Herman, I said to myself, “They already died...”
When I remembered all of those mourning people who I was leaving in the painful valley of Samsara, I uttered, “Family? Which one? I have no family anymore...”
Then, while feeling myself absolutely disincarnated, I left with the intention of reaching a remote place where I should help others...
In such moments of mystical enchantment, I said to myself, “For a long time I will not return to take a physical body...”
Posteriorly, I felt that the silver cord, the famous Antakarana, the thread of life, still was not severed. Then I returned into my physical body in order to continue with the hard struggle of each instant...