The Resurrection
It is unquestionable that for Richard Wagner, as well as generally for all the Christian countries, the Grail is the “sacred cup” from which the Lord of Perfection drank at the Last Supper. His royal blood, shed while on the cross on the Mount of the Skulls and devoutly collected by the Roman Senator Joseph of Arimathea, was received in this divine cup.
This great chalice was possessed by the Patriarch Abraham. Melchizedec, the genie of our world, transported it with infinite love from the country of Semiramis to the land of Canaan. When he initiated some enterprises—where much later Jerusalem, the beloved city of the prophets was founded—Melchizedec wisely utilized it for celebrating the sacrifice of bread and wine of the transubstantiation. He offered this in the presence of Abraham, then delivered the chalice to this Master. This holy cup was also in the Ark of Noah...
It has been said that this venerated cup was also carried into the sacred land of the Pharaohs, into the sunny country of Kem. Moses, the chief of the Jewish mysteries, the great, illuminated hierophant, possessed this cup...
Very ancient millenary traditions that are lost in the terrifying night of all ages say that this magic cup was made from a singular matter. It was compact like the matter of a bell, yet did not look like any known metal. Rather, this matter looked like it was produced from a type of vegetation...
The Holy Grail is the miraculous chalice of the supreme beverage. The manna which nourished the Israelites in the wilderness is contained in this cup. This cup is the yoni, the uterus of the eternal feminine...
The exquisite wine of transcendental spirituality is contained within this cup of delights...
The conquering of the “ultra-mare-vitae” or “superliminal world,” and the “ultra-terrestrial,” the esoteric resurrection, would be something more than impossible without Sexual Magic, without the spouse, without love...
The delectable Word of Isis emerges from within the profound bosom of all ages, awaiting for the instant to be realized...
The ineffable words of the Goddess Neith has been carved on the resplendent walls of the temple of wisdom with letters of gold...
I am the one that was, is and shall be
And no mortal has ever lifted my veil.
The primeval religion of Jano or Jaino, in other words, the quiritary and super-human solar golden doctrine of the Jinns, is absolutely sexual...
We feel in the depth of our heart, within the ineffable mystical idyll commonly called the “enchantments of Holy Friday,” that a terribly divine force exists within the sexual organs...
The “stone of light,” the “Holy Grail,” has the power of resurrecting Hiram Abif, the secret master, the sun king, within ourselves, here and now...
The Grail maintains the character of a “misterium tremendum.” It is the fallen stone of the crown of Lucifer...
The Grail, as a dreaded force, hurts and destroys the curious and impure ones, but defends and gives life to the just and sincere ones...
Unquestionably, the Grail can only be achieved by means of the lance of Eros, while combating against the eternal enemies of the night...
To perform the Hyperborean mystery in oneself is only feasible by descending into the infernal worlds...
Such a resurrection is the true apotheosis or exaltation of that which is the most elevated and living part of the human being: the divine, eternal, and immortal Monad, which was found dead, hidden...
Undoubtably, this Monad is in itself the Verb, the luminous and spermatic fiat of the first instant, the Lord Shiva, the sublime spouse of our Divine Mother Kundalini, the arch-hierophant and arch-magi, the particular super-individuality of each one...
It is written with characters of fire in the book of life:
Whosoever knows, the word gives power to; no one has uttered it, no one will utter it, except the one who has incarnated it...
When we have achieved perfection in mastery, with the resurrection of the secret master within each one of us... then we are washed of any blemish, and the original sin is radically eliminated...
I worked intensively in the super-obscurity of the silence and the august secret of the wise...
I submerged myself into the sacred mysteries of Minna, the dreadful darkness of one love whose twin brother is death...
I re-conquered my place in the first heaven of the Moon where Dante had his first vision of the blessed ones and ecstatically acknowledged Piccarda Donati and the Empress Constance...
I returned into my place in the second heaven of Mercury, the abode of those spirits who are active and righteous...
I returned into the third heaven of Venus, the region of the beloved spirits, where Dante occupied himself with Robert, the King of Naples...
I came back to the fourth heaven of the Sun, the abode of the wise spirits, the heaven where Dante mentions Saint Francis of Assisi...
I re-conquered the fifth heaven of Mars, region of the martyrs of faith, the heaven where Dante mentions Cacciaguida and his Majors, as well as ancient and new Florence...
I returned into the sixth heaven of Jupiter, the region of the wise and just princes...
I came back into the seventh heaven of Saturn, the exquisite abode of the contemplative spirits. Dante the Florentine emphatically mentions Peter Damian and denunciates the luxury of the prelates in this magnificent canto...
I came back into the eighth heaven or fixed stars, region of Uranus. Dante mentions in these immortal paragraphs the triumph of the intimate Christ and the coronation of the Divine Mother Kundalini, the paradise of the triumphant spirits...
I returned into the ninth heaven or crystalline region of Neptune. In this extraordinary canto, we find Dante’s digressive diatribe against evil preachers...
Posteriorly, I had to appear before the “Third Logos,” “Shiva,” my real Being, my own “super-individuality,” Samael himself...
Then, the Blessed One assumed a distinct figure, different from my own figure, as if he were a stranger. He had the aspect of a very respectable gentleman...
The Venerable One asked me to perform a chiromantic study on the lines of his hand...
The line of Saturn on his omnipotent dexterous hand looked very straight, astonishing, and marvellous to me. Nonetheless, one place of the line appeared to me as if it was interrupted, damaged, broken...
“Sir! You have had some struggles, some sufferings...”
“You are mistaken. I am a very lucky man, I always do very well...”
“Well... What happens is that I see a small damage on the line of Saturn...”
“Go, and measure that line well: at what age do you see that damage?”
“Sir!... Between the age of fifty three (53) and sixty-one (61) you had a hard epoch...”
“Ah!... that is in the beginning... but, then after, how do you see it? Eight years will pass very soon, and then... the triumph that is awaiting you...”
When concluding with this study, the Venerable One stood and said, “I like these chiromantic studies, but only sporadically. My spouse (Devi Kundalini) also likes it, and eventually I will bring her. Ah!, but I have to pay you for your labor. Wait here for me, I will return to pay you...”
The Blessed One withdrew and I remained waiting for him... Far away, I saw two daughters of mine; they are presently adults, however they still looked little to me. I was a little bit concerned about them and so I called them...
It is indubitable that in that time of my present existence I was the mentioned fifty-three (53) years of age... I had seen on the hand of the Blessed One my own future...
Evidently, the already granted eight initiations had to be qualified, which is a very hard job, one year for each initiation...
This is what it is to vividly experience the whole book of the Patriarch Job in eight years, to pay the tithe to Neptune before the resurrection...
The book of Job is a complete representation of the ancient initiation and of the people who presided over the “magna ceremony.”
The neophyte is shown in this book. He is deprived of everything, even of his own sons, and is afflicted by an impure sickness.
His wife anguishes him by mocking the trust which he puts in a God who treats him in such a way. His three friends Eliphas, Bildad, and Zophar torment him when they believably judge him to be impious and certainly worthy of that punishment...
Job then calls for a champion, a liberator, because he knows that this Shiva is eternal, and will redeem him from the slavery of the Earth (by means of the intimate resurrection) by restoring his flesh.
Job, while under divine permission, is tormented, deprived, sick under the cruel action of those malignant beings that Aristophanes called the “black birds.” Saint Paul called them the “black powers of the air.” The church called them “demons.” Theosophy and Kabbalah calls them “elementaries,” etc., etc., etc...
Nonetheless, Job is just, and he utters the theme of his own justification before such rigors of destiny, and finally conquers with the sacred IT of the crucifixion of his ulcerated flesh. Jehovah (the interior Iod-Heve of each person) permits the healer angels, or jinns (whose classic leader, as found in books such as the book of Tobias, is the Archangel Raphael), to approach him...
One night, after a cosmic festivity which was celebrated in my honour for having been well qualified in the first initiation, I was precisely instructed...
“You must pay the crime for having assassinated the God Mercury,” was said unto me...
“Forgive me this karma...”
“This karma is unforgivable, and can only be paid by working with the Moon.”
Then, I saw how in each labor the Moon would more and more approach the planet Mercury, until finally mixing with it...
My innermost real Being, the God Mercury, Shiva, my Monad, while approaching me, told me, “You must wear the boots of the God Mercury.” He then put such boots on my feet...
The instant in which the great hierophant of the temple showed me a sports hall was sensational and extraordinary for me...
“Look!” he told me, “You converted the Temple of Mercury into a sports hall...”
Certainly, we all assassinated Hiram (the God Mercury) when we ate of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. That is why we were warned:
The day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Posteriorly, the path became frightfully difficult, and I had to suffer intensely...
It is obvious that the path of the razor’s edge is absolutely sexual; you know this...
“My son! You have to patiently suffer the consequences of your errors,” my Divine Mother Kundalini uttered...
On another night, my Mother, filled with pain, exclaimed with a great voice, “My son! You have exchanged me for other women, there, in the physical world...”
“That was the past, Mother of mine, now I do not exchange you for anyone...”
“You have exchanged me for other women.”
“The past is the past, what matters is the present; I live from instant to instant, and I do wrong when arguing with you...”
“Past, present, or future, you are the same one...”
“You are right, Mother of mine...”
Then, how could I deny that I had converted the Temple of Mercury into a sport hall?
So, what happened next was that I went for a vacation to the Port of Acapulco on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. I had to be instructed on the stigmatizing of the astral body...
When I was out of the physical body, a monk, a hermit, tried to pierce the palms of my hands for the purpose of stigmatizing me. Divine rays jumped from my hands in those instants when this coenobite hammered the nail in order to pierce my hands...
In those moments, I prayed to my Father who is in secret, soliciting help from him. This prayer reached the Lord...
It is unquestionable that I had received such stigmas in the initiation, but in a symbolic way...
On the Mountain of Resurrection, I had to form, to make these stigmas in the forge of the Cyclops...
This anchorite conducted me to the Gnostic Church. Shiva, my divine Monad, walked nearby...
Inside the temple, near the baptismal font, I saw a religious androgyne dressed with a purpurin tunic...
“He is very strong and responds very well, but he needs to better accomplish the sacrament of the Church of ‘Romae,’ (amore) love...” said the mahatma while addressing my Monad...
Since then, I comprehended the necessity of refining the creative energy even more. Thus, this is how I made the Maithuna a form of prayer...
The insertion of the vertical phallus inside the horizontal uterus makes a cross.
Unquestionably, the five Christic stigmas on the astral body are formed with the cross...
The resurrection is not possible without previously having formed the stigmas of the Beloved One on the astral body...
Thus, this is how I formed my stigmas. Thus, this is how the mystics of all times have formed theirs...
INRI... Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra. The fire renews nature constantly...