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The Divine Fohat

1. The invisible stars that palpitate within the profundities of the infinite are ineffable flames.

2. We are detached sparks from these eternal flames.

3. Before the spark is unfastened from the flame, it is the very flame itself.

4. We were those flames.

5. We were those ineffable logoi, who in the dawn of life fecundated the chaos with our sacred fire, so that the seed plot of the cosmos could sprout from within the waters of life.

6. These supra-celestial waters are pure semen.

7. Such waters are enclosed within our sexual glands.

8. The air and the fire of these waters are the ineffable Eden, which resides within our own selves, inside the depths of our consciousness.

9. The Holy Bible reveals to us about these waters in the first chapter of the book of Genesis.

10. The book of Daniel 3:6 also reveals to us about these waters. Psalm 104:3 narrates to us about the supra-celestial waters from the universal chaos.

11. This chaos is our Christonic semen.

12. That flexible and malleable liquid is an inflamed substance which constitutes the abode of the angels, seraphim, thrones, virtues, potencies, etc.

13. This Christic substance is the chaos and life sprouts from within it.

14. This chaos is Christ in substance, the liquid Christ who abides within our sexual glands.

15. The supra-celestial waters are interpenetrated by the supra-celestial air and by the divine fire, where the divine gods of the unalterable infinite abide.

16. If we spill those waters during the trance of sexual magic, then we also spill the supra-celestial air and the divine fire which lives within those waters.

17. This is how we sank into our own atomic infernos and into worlds of darkness, where nothing but the weeping and gnashing of teeth are heard.

18. The fire and the air are superior elements.

19. The fire in its absolute simplicity is the summum of all perfections.

20. The air cannot achieve the penetration of the fire into its very essence, neither can it be fused with it because of being less pure. However, the air does it only when it has been purified in an absolute way.

21. Elemental fire is concentrated within the luminaries of heaven.

22. Those luminaries are the ineffable stars, the planetary logoi, who send their rays to help us in our cosmic evolution.

23. The fire purifies all things by transmuting them into ineffable perfections.

24. The fire acts in the center of each planet and within the heart of all life.

25. The fire has its habitat within the water. Thus, if we spill the water, then we also spill the fire. Consequently, we remain in darkness.

26. Sexual movement provokes emotion. Emotion puts respiration or air into motion. Then, the air insufflates life upon the fire when the solar and lunar atoms make contact in the coccyx.

27. This is how the Kundalini is awakened and this is how we achieve fusion with the Innermost.

28. The fire cannot tolerate the crude water, but it must transmute it into subtle steam by means of heat.

29. When the steam is transmuted into solar and lunar currents, the water is then sufficiently transmuted and purified to be eternally fused with the Kundalini fire.

30. This work is sexual alchemy.

31. The fire purifies the air, the air purifies the water, and the water purifies the Earth with the continuous movement of the fire.

32. This is how the elements, one with the other, are being purified.

33. The water, or semen, acts upon the fire by confining it in our sexual organs, to elevate it upwards through our spinal column.

34. The fire works upon our four bodies of sin, to elevate them towards their own degree of perfection.

35. We extract the pure oil of the spirit from our four bodies of sin by means of the fire.

36. This oil is lit when it is deprived of its impurities. Then, it burns as an ineffable flame.

37. This is how it acts in the planetary human being, by removing the elements’ unevenness and carrying all of them to perfection, to convert them into living fire.

38. This is how the fire purifies the elements before assimilating them in a total manner.

39. In nature, we see the Earth reduced to water, the water transmuted into air, such as into clouds, and finally into fire, such as thunder and flashes of lightning.

40. This fire of heaven provokes rain, and the rain gives life to the womb of the seeds for life to sprout.

41. These repeated irrigations work on the seeds of the Earth, where the fire of the strong and active life is enclosed.

42. When the waters of heaven act upon the seeds to make the fire of life sprout from them; it is pure sexual alchemy.

43. When the fire of Kundalini acts upon our seminal seeds, it makes an interior atomic universe sprout from within our interior life. This universe is filled with ineffable perfections.

44. This is how the planetary human being, clean of impurities, consubstantiates himself with the fire of the spirit. Thus, he becomes an eternal flame.

45. The ancient phoenix nourishes itself with the sacred fire within its rebel eagle’s nest, and its fledglings pull off its eyes. This produces the immaculate whiteness of the ineffable spirit, who shines in the corners of the universe.

46. This is how we transmute all our metals into the pure Gold of the spirit.

47. This is the great arcanum.

48. All the initiates who wanted to spread the great arcanum prior to me have died.

49. In the Middle Ages, all the initiates who tried to divulge the great arcanum were killed. Some were killed by means of the shirts of Nessus, some were poisoned by perfumed bouquets, some died by the dagger, or by the scaffold.

50. In the ancient Egypt of the pharaohs, those who intended to divulge the great arcanum were sentenced to the death penalty.

51. Their head was cut off; their heart was torn out and their ashes were thrown into the four winds.

52. There is only one man in life who divulged the great arcanum and did not die.

53. I am that man. I am Samael Aun Weor.