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The Foundation of Sexual Alchemy

1. Thou shalt love thy God above all things.

2. Thou shalt not swear his holy name in vain.

3. Keep the feasts to sanctify them.

4. Honor thy father and thy mother.

5. Thou shalt not kill.

6. Thou shalt not fornicate.

7. Thou shalt not steal.

8. Thou shalt not lie nor bear false witness.

9. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors' goods. - The Ten Commandments

11. This is the fundamental base of sexual alchemy.

12. Our sacred art is totally based on the stone tablets of the law.

13. The man who practices Sexual Magic with various women, and vice versa, is an adulterer. An adulterer cannot awaken the Kundalini.

14. Whosoever violates the sixth commandment of the law of God cannot fertilize the waters of Mercury, because he does not possess the solar fires.

15. Sexual Magic can be performed only between husband and wife.

16. The man who violates this commandment adulterates. The woman who violates this commandment adulterates. If they believe that they will achieve something, they are mistaken, because an adulterer cannot obtain anything.

17. The Kundalini ascends with the ten commandments of the law of God.

18. The violation of any of these commandments stops the development, evolution, and progress of the Kundalini.

19. All evil ones who without being married unite together in order to practice Sexual Magic, fall into black magic due to the crime of adultery.

20. The ten commandments of the law of God form the fundamental base of sexual alchemy.