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Perfect Matrimony

Why Sex and Religion Are Inseparable

A Book by Samael Aun Weor

"Love is the highest religion...” - Samael Aun Weor

If you only want one book about real spiritual practice, The Perfect Matrimony has everything you need. Prepare yourself for a spiritual revolution.

In fact, this book is so powerful that because of it, in 1950 the "official" Church had Samael Aun Weor jailed. They accused him of “offending the public and healing the ill.”

The Perfect Matrimony is a complete introduction to the profound and beautiful mystical knowledge from which all the world’s great religions have blossomed. There is a sacred teaching, the source of the secret teachings of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Alchemy, Tantra, Kabbalah, and the mysteries of the Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, Tibetans, Eleusinians, Essenes, and hundreds more. All of them have a sexual secret. All of them came from the same root knowledge.

The Perfect Matrimony explains how to solve the problem that originated with Adam and Eve: an event clearly rooted in sex. Jesus also taught how to solve this problem (his first miracle was at a wedding, after all), but the church edited his teachings. When Samael Aun Weor publicly revealed the true teachings, the outraged church had him imprisoned in an effort to repress what he revealed.

Everything that lives was created through sex. Just the same, the soul is created through sex, but not the sex of the common person. To create divinity, one must understand divine sexuality, sacred sexuality. Such knowledge has always been preserved in secret, held safely for those who demonstrated their ability to use it properly. Now, for the first time in history, that knowledge has been revealed openly: this book, originally published in 1950, marked its first public appearance.

With the explanations in this book, you will understand not only many seemingly vague and incomprehensible scriptures, but also how all genuine spiritual practices work. After reading this book, religion and sex make sense. Moreover, you will see that religion is not found in organizations, buildings, or books, it is found in the heart that is enflamed with divine love.

Freud (the founder of psychoanalysis) correctly stated that religions have a sexual origin...

The vestals were true priestesses of love. With them, the celibate priests reached adepthood. It is unfortunate that the modern vestals (nuns) do not know the key of Sexual Magic. It is unfortunate that the priests of this day and age have forgotten the secret key of sex. We feel profound pain when we see so many yogis ignoring the supreme key of yoga, which is Sexual Magic, the supreme synthesis of all systems of yoga.

People are filled with horror when they hear about Sexual Magic; however, they are not filled with horror when they give in to all kinds of sexual perversion and carnal passion...

All systems of intimate self-education have Sexual Magic as their ultimate practical synthesis. Every religion, every esoteric cult, has as its synthesis Sexual Magic (the Arcanum A.Z.F.)...

We have written this book with broad clarity; we have unveiled what was veiled. Now, whosoever wants to self-realize in depth can rightly do so. Behold, here is the guide, here is the complete teaching.

Sexual Magic is practiced in esoteric Christianity. Sexual Magic is practiced in Zen Buddhism. Sexual Magic is practiced amongst the initiated Yogis. Sexual Magic is practiced amongst the Mohammedan Sufis. Sexual Magic was practiced in the Initiatic Colleges of Troy, Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis. Sexual Magic was practiced by the mysterious Maya, Aztec, Inca, Druids, etc. Therefore, Sexual Magic and the Cosmic Christ are the synthesis of all religions, schools, and sects.

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More Information:

  • 384 pages
  • Paperback 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • Fully illustrated; ebook is in color
  • Glossary
  • Index
  • Seventh edition. Changes from previous edition: new cover, minor typo corrections
  • ISBN 9781934206683

Originally published in Spanish as "El Matrimonio Perfecto" (1950. Revised and expanded in 1961).
