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  Tuesday, 11 June 2024
  4 Replies
  361 Visits
First of all I gotta say thanks to the instructors for their selfless service.

My question goes as follows:

I was trying to meditate on an issue I had with porn which I had stopped for almost 2yrs but I didn't really look within in meditation even tho it was pestering me.
So as I was in meditation on the porn issue I had a bit of disturbances with the it wasn't really great at first but seemed to make progress and the sensation lessened,comprehended a bit.

Then the next 3 ones I was now about to meditate on them but I saw myself focusing on the images of the porn not me self observing three brains then realized it was the lust trying to eat itself then around yesterday in my dream I was fighting a succubus I think first time I never knew they were the ones that caused sleep paralysis,I was so paralyzed I was aware of myself when fighting them tried to feed me thoughts Icontrolled it with imagination thanks to meditation,tried to relax in the internal plane worked but got overwhelmed by the abyss in my mind first time was aware it was so dark,so painful can't believe I have lived like this.

(-)Want to ask how to face the issue with the porn or comprehending it without trying to focus on the scenes and focus on three brains? Because of identification.

(-) Also am thinking of going straight to how the orgasm was detrimental seeing the cause and effect but when do some of those scenes not of the three brains but external impressions like the images of lust of the phone are what I focus on?any advice am sure it will get better with my daily practice of meditation ?‍♂️

(-) Steps on how to understand the lust also will reread and meditate on the meditation essential.

(-) Fought succubus when I was still practicing that weak sexual vice but around 2 days ago that night it seemed to be overwhelming powerful Is it that when someone is on the path of change and the solar path that the evil forces within you try their very best to attack you than when you weren't
2 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
Our goal always is the dissolution of the ego in other to attain self realization. In other to dissolve the ego
we have to practice daily self observations, comprehension through meditation and elimination or annihilation of these vile elements.

Want to ask how to face the issue with the porn or comprehending it without trying to focus on the scenes and focus on three brains? Because of identification.

Just as you wrote you have stopped watching pornography for over two years now, therefore do not focus on comprehending pornography, rather focus on the consequences of the pornography. As an example, if the past indulgence on pornography created lustful ego like masturbation, homosexuality, inordinate interest in the opposite sex and you are incessantly attacked by theses things or by the thought of these things, then your challenge would be on comprehending any of these 'i's that form the basis of your observations. At our level it is better to avoid such as it could create more harm. It is ok for the Masters to do that

So, what interests us, more than anything, is to achieve a real liberation; and that real liberation is not possible if the ego is not annihilated, if the ego is not dissolved.

Study ;

Also am thinking of going straight to how the orgasm was detrimental seeing the cause and effect but when do some of those scenes not of the three brains but external impressions like the images of lust of the phone are what I focus on?any advice am sure it will get better with my daily practice of meditation ?‍♂️

You receive external images of lust and indeed anything through the three brains. You must therefore analyze such defect/s and comprehend it using the three brains.
Avoid going to sites having preponderance of lustful image/s.
Lastly, always focus on your innermost. Exercise your will power and demand of your mind to remove lustful and or any unwanted images or scenes each time they enter your mind commanding it to obey you because your are it lord . Hence the need to always observe our three brains from moment to moment

Fought succubus when I was still practicing that weak sexual vice but around 2 days ago that night it seemed to be overwhelming powerful Is it that when someone is on the path of change and the solar path that the evil forces within you try their very best to attack you than when you weren't

Read,, internalize and pray using Invocation of Solomon; Conjuration of the Seven and Conjuration of the Four.

2 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
Our goal always is the dissolution of the ego in other to attain self realization. In other to dissolve the ego
we have to practice daily self observations, comprehension through meditation and elimination or annihilation of these vile elements.

Want to ask how to face the issue with the porn or comprehending it without trying to focus on the scenes and focus on three brains? Because of identification.

Just as you wrote you have stopped watching pornography for over two years now, therefore do not focus on comprehending pornography, rather focus on the consequences of the pornography. As an example, if the past indulgence on pornography created lustful ego like masturbation, homosexuality, inordinate interest in the opposite sex and you are incessantly attacked by theses things or by the thought of these things, then your challenge would be on comprehending any of these 'i's that form the basis of your observations. At our level it is better to avoid such as it could create more harm. It is ok for the Masters to do that

So, what interests us, more than anything, is to achieve a real liberation; and that real liberation is not possible if the ego is not annihilated, if the ego is not dissolved.

Study ;

Also am thinking of going straight to how the orgasm was detrimental seeing the cause and effect but when do some of those scenes not of the three brains but external impressions like the images of lust of the phone are what I focus on?any advice am sure it will get better with my daily practice of meditation ?‍♂️

You receive external images of lust and indeed anything through the three brains. You must therefore analyze such defect/s and comprehend it using the three brains.
Avoid going to sites having preponderance of lustful image/s.
Lastly, always focus on your innermost. Exercise your will power and demand of your mind to remove lustful and or any unwanted images or scenes each time they enter your mind commanding it to obey you because your are it lord . Hence the need to always observe our three brains from moment to moment

Fought succubus when I was still practicing that weak sexual vice but around 2 days ago that night it seemed to be overwhelming powerful Is it that when someone is on the path of change and the solar path that the evil forces within you try their very best to attack you than when you weren't

Read,, internalize and pray using Invocation of Solomon; Conjuration of the Seven and Conjuration of the Four.

2 weeks ago
Thanks for the reply also didn't know the porn and masturbation can cause someone to display homosexual behaviours or thoughtd(the thoughts sometimes in dreams and fear of the thoughts where lingering in my mind)that's what made me now seek something deep and know that porn and masturbation was very damaging,the thoughts are not something a normal human being(not talking of this era)would think.

Thanks to meditation and elimination am seeing women in a more purer light.

This self observation, meditation and elimination really works am now knowing best to really trust your innermost in this work we really do nothing but our innermost does everything.

Just as you wrote you have stopped watching pornography for over two years now, therefore do not focus on comprehending pornography, rather focus on the consequences of the pornography. As an example, if the past indulgence on pornography created lustful ego like masturbation, homosexuality, inordinate interest in the opposite sex and you are incessantly attacked by theses things or by the thought of these things, then your challenge would be on comprehending any of these 'i's that form the basis of your observations. At our level it is better to avoid such as it could create more harm. It is ok for the Masters to do that.

I don't understand so you're saying here that you quoted I shouldn't meditate on the lustful egos that the pornography has caused badly due to our level but isn't odd and won't it deter progress a bit, and won't comprehending it help me a bit,meditated on some about women and although wasn't lust sometimes but was very complex and deep making me know this lust has different forms
Pls shed more light on this statement and add references if need be or are you referring to the pornography
2 weeks ago
Thanks for the reply
Almustafa selected the reply #31247 as the answer for this post — 1 week ago
1 week ago
Please meditate on the lustful ego caused by watching pornography, but do not focus on the pornography..
If you observe yourself during the day you will definitely see your lustful habits. If you pay careful attention
you will notice your emotional reactions and mental activities. Note them, transform then if you can, and sit later in the
day to meditate on what you have observed or noticed.. Deal with these during meditation.
If you observed lusts then meditate and see the genesis and other environmental causes of it. By doing this, gradually you
will annihilate the lustful ego little by little and become free from the hold that pornography had on you. If on the other hand
you sit to meditate on pornography, you will strengthen the vice rather than eliminate it.
Read this meditatively;
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