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  Friday, 14 June 2024
  1 Replies
  221 Visits
It is stated that this creatures could not self realize, that is why the separation of sexes happened so the souls in the animal kingdom could be given a chance to self realize, why exactly couldn't they self realize?
Accepted Answer
Hello Emmanuel,

I share a quote from another instructor:

First, the soul: Our inner Being is androgynous, having both aspects integrated. The soul reflects that but is divided into two parts: one female (Geburah), and one male (Tiphereth). Through self-realization, those two are united again. The parts of the soul that are below them (Netzach, Hod, Yesod, Malkuth), have both aspects (male and female). So, the soul is neither male nor female.

Likewise, when the soul enters a physical body, it doesn't matter if the physical body is male or female. In fact, the soul has occupied each, many times.

Next, physicality: The physical bodies were androgynous a long time ago, before the expulsion from Eden. On every planet, the physical bodies "reflect" the nature of the Being. In their early development, they are androgynous, but through evolution are divided, so the souls can experience that division, and use those bodies for comprehension of the Being.

Viewed in another way, we existed as one body in a perfect state of being. In total bliss with no realization of that bliss. To comprehend the meaning of bliss, we had to leave that perfect state to “realize” and work to return. In a way, we needed to measure that perfect state against an imperfect state to fully comprehend.

Our collective return is subject to humanity's evolution and to merging again with that from which we came. We start that work within ourselves by descending to ascend, just as humanity has descended and should work to ascend following the guidance left by the great Masters, such as Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Muhammad, Quetzalcoatl, Krishna, etc).
Accepted Answer
Hello Emmanuel,

I share a quote from another instructor:

First, the soul: Our inner Being is androgynous, having both aspects integrated. The soul reflects that but is divided into two parts: one female (Geburah), and one male (Tiphereth). Through self-realization, those two are united again. The parts of the soul that are below them (Netzach, Hod, Yesod, Malkuth), have both aspects (male and female). So, the soul is neither male nor female.

Likewise, when the soul enters a physical body, it doesn't matter if the physical body is male or female. In fact, the soul has occupied each, many times.

Next, physicality: The physical bodies were androgynous a long time ago, before the expulsion from Eden. On every planet, the physical bodies "reflect" the nature of the Being. In their early development, they are androgynous, but through evolution are divided, so the souls can experience that division, and use those bodies for comprehension of the Being.

Viewed in another way, we existed as one body in a perfect state of being. In total bliss with no realization of that bliss. To comprehend the meaning of bliss, we had to leave that perfect state to “realize” and work to return. In a way, we needed to measure that perfect state against an imperfect state to fully comprehend.

Our collective return is subject to humanity's evolution and to merging again with that from which we came. We start that work within ourselves by descending to ascend, just as humanity has descended and should work to ascend following the guidance left by the great Masters, such as Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Muhammad, Quetzalcoatl, Krishna, etc).
Almustafa selected the reply #31261 as the answer for this post — 1 week ago
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