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  Tuesday, 18 June 2024
  2 Replies
  217 Visits
Blessed love Glorian team.
I have been trying to Astral Project now for months now. Not every night but most nights I go to bed with the Mantra FARAON. I haven't had much success though. Only thing I can report is the intense full body vibration sometimes.

Last night was a little different. I went to bed as I usually do with the FARAON mantra and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, went to check on my kids and went back to bed and did the Mantra again. Something strange happened. I felt the same intense vibration but much longer. I remember feeling scared and trying to get up from my bed but I couldn't get up. I felt so heavy that I actually slid down my bed to the floor. All this time I thought I was awake but then I really woke up and found that I was actually still in my bed. I got up, mostly to prove that I could this time and went to check on my kids again. Then I went back to sleep.

This morning I am wondering if that was my first experience of an actual projection but I was just out of practice or something?
1 week ago
Thank you for your response. Will do.
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