The word
Dear instructors, I am a slanderer. I slander people on a daily basis, I have said horrible things to people and on a daily basis I slander. I even slander the person who is the I should least slander, and that is the person who in this physical world represents my Divine Mother. Recently my inner being has opened my eyes to this and has made me realize that this is why I am miserable, why my life is stuck and why I don't progress either physically or spiritually. I must control my speech, I must control my tongue which has kindled fires and defiled even my whole body. For me this has been very difficult and despite efforts I have changed very little. Therefore I know that to ultimately defeat evil speech I must eliminate the egos that have led me to evil speech day by day but in the meantime I must attain some control over my speech so that I can get to a position to even be able to meditate on those egos of speech. My questions for the instructors are for one is there a mantra to vocalize to help me resist the temptation of slander and also to be more aware of slander? And also when doing a fast of speech if you decide you are going to do a fast of speech and you are alone and concentrated on something and a word slips out does this ruin the entire practice or do you continue with the practice? Thank you.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
Hello Joshua,
Thank you for your question. The fact that you identified one of your psychological defects is a powerful realization. As you may know, in the work of Gnosis, an initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden within. There are several tools available to do this. I share a link to a similar question that will provide some answers:
In addition to the link provided and to add to an answer to your question, you may wish to practice the Key of SOL. This wonderful practice will allow you to be more aware of your thoughts throughout the day, observe objectively, analyze why you think certain things, and find a way to eliminate them.
On words slipping out. Again, a good initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden. If it slips, observe it objectively to comprehend why this is happening. With great effort and practice, the slips will reduce. The more you work at it, the more these things will come out. You must practice controlling and eliminating that defect rather than being controlled by it.
Thank you for your question. The fact that you identified one of your psychological defects is a powerful realization. As you may know, in the work of Gnosis, an initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden within. There are several tools available to do this. I share a link to a similar question that will provide some answers:
In addition to the link provided and to add to an answer to your question, you may wish to practice the Key of SOL. This wonderful practice will allow you to be more aware of your thoughts throughout the day, observe objectively, analyze why you think certain things, and find a way to eliminate them.
On words slipping out. Again, a good initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden. If it slips, observe it objectively to comprehend why this is happening. With great effort and practice, the slips will reduce. The more you work at it, the more these things will come out. You must practice controlling and eliminating that defect rather than being controlled by it.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
Hello Joshua,
Thank you for your question. The fact that you identified one of your psychological defects is a powerful realization. As you may know, in the work of Gnosis, an initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden within. There are several tools available to do this. I share a link to a similar question that will provide some answers:
In addition to the link provided and to add to an answer to your question, you may wish to practice the Key of SOL. This wonderful practice will allow you to be more aware of your thoughts throughout the day, observe objectively, analyze why you think certain things, and find a way to eliminate them.
On words slipping out. Again, a good initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden. If it slips, observe it objectively to comprehend why this is happening. With great effort and practice, the slips will reduce. The more you work at it, the more these things will come out. You must practice controlling and eliminating that defect rather than being controlled by it.
Thank you for your question. The fact that you identified one of your psychological defects is a powerful realization. As you may know, in the work of Gnosis, an initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden within. There are several tools available to do this. I share a link to a similar question that will provide some answers:
In addition to the link provided and to add to an answer to your question, you may wish to practice the Key of SOL. This wonderful practice will allow you to be more aware of your thoughts throughout the day, observe objectively, analyze why you think certain things, and find a way to eliminate them.
On words slipping out. Again, a good initial step is to shine a light on what is hidden. If it slips, observe it objectively to comprehend why this is happening. With great effort and practice, the slips will reduce. The more you work at it, the more these things will come out. You must practice controlling and eliminating that defect rather than being controlled by it.
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