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  Sunday, 12 May 2024
  6 Replies
  597 Visits
I seem to have read somewhere that Samuel Aun Weor was born with the solar bodies even though he was promiscuous in his early years.
He also had children after practicing white Tantra (renunciation of the orgasm)...

So what happens to the solar bodies if:
1. They have been created and accidental ejaculation occurs?

2. They have been created and intentional ejaculation occurs?

MY REAL QUESTION IS: Do the solar bodies COMPLETELY Disappear if ejaculation has taken place or do they just 'lessen'?
**(I have no intention of ejaculation for the record)**

As the 'serpent' states in Genesis 3:
לא מות תמתון
"Not death you [shall] die LITTLE"
ון = little/small
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
Nothing we do physically can damage those bodies. They are not physical, and are made of material that is essentially immortal.

The solar bodies are only vehicles. They are like armor that one can wear, but they are not the consciousness or the Being. They are important, but they are not our identity.

For the fortunate one who made them, the consciousness can use those bodies if the Being allows it. Those bodies belong to the Being, not the personality or the soul. Remember the myths of Athena giving weapons and armor to the heroes: those are the solar bodies being given to Tiphereth. They belong to divinity, and the soul can use them, but does not own them, and has no power to damage or destroy them.

So this question about the bodies actually has no basis.

The real question is what fornication does to your consciousness, and what consequences it creates.

The one who fornicates damages their physical and vital bodies, depletes their vital forces, creates a noxious atmosphere in their internal environment that offends divinity yet attracts parasites and filthiness, etc etc etc. It also creates enormous karmic consequences, especially when someone has already been instructed about chastity. Those who know the teachings but persist in fornication are punished very severely, because they should know better. They are essentially spilling their filth on something very sacred. Divinity does not tolerate this.

Part of that punishment is that their inner Being will not allow them to use the solar bodies, perhaps for many lifetimes. In such cases, while that soul suffers alone in the world or is processed in the hell realms, the solar bodies are set aside and essentially are "collecting dust" in case some day that soul earns the right to use them again.

As you know, even physically, once you commit a crime or harmful act, it is very hard to restore trust and respect. In the internal worlds, it is harder, because the stakes are much higher.

Those who know the teachings are held to a high standard, and when they fail, there are serious consequences.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

Hello ד]בריאל],

I will respond to your core question: Do the solar bodies COMPLETELY disappear if ejaculation has taken place or do they just lessen?

The ascension of the Kundalini depends on the merits of the heart.
– Treatise of Sexual Alchemy

If one is driven by lust during the sexual act with a spouse, then the level of the fall will be more severe than one who unintentionally spills or orgasms. Recall that we must ‘descend’ into the ninth sphere (Yesod) with willpower that dominates the demons of the mind - Igneous Rose

One must continue to practice, with good intentions and true purpose of the heart that balances mind and body.

To know what Gnosis is we have to be in touch with that Spirit inside of us. And that only comes through meditation, practice, and work. That takes effort, and requires that we not be lazy, that we teach ourselves to stand on our own feet.

In order to develop the solar mental body, we have to stand on our own two feet. We have to become adeptus, an adept, a child of our own works, not an imitator, not imitatus, one who merely imitates, but an adept, a master.
– Igneous Rose
1 month ago
The ascension of the Kundalini depends on the merits of the heart.

If one is driven by lust during the sexual act with a spouse, then the level of the fall will be more severe than one who unintentionally spills or orgasms. Recall that we must ‘descend’ into the ninth sphere (Yesod) with willpower that dominates the demons of the mind

Hello dear instructor,

I’d like to enhance the question here a bit. Say my spouse greatly desires children and I am determined to grant her such joy in sacrifice of my desire to focus the creative force within me towards evolving my consciousness. Since she does not currently cultivate her relationship with God, conceiving through love, prayer and orgasm is not something she deems possible and would be willing to entertain as a valid “trying”.

In such circumstances, granted there is zero lustfull desire to orgasm and the orgasm is viewed as sacrifice for someone else in a sense, would there then be an inherent descend into ego accompanied with it in addition to the blatant energy dump that the orgasm represents? My heart and common sense says no. But I know nothing, so please, if you could elaborate on this.

Many thanks and God bless you. :)
Hello ValuableObjectiv,

Good question. Can you repost your question in a new thread so that we can provide a proper reply. Thank you.
1 month ago
Hello ValuableObjectiv,

Good question. Can you repost your question in a new thread so that we can provide a proper reply. Thank you.

Thank you for your resources, but I read through all of them and there isn't any statement that specifically explains what ejaculation does to the solar bodies once they've reached some development.

I believe since solar bodies are permanent, once they're born to a slight degree, they will not go away with orgasms, correct? Only the kundalini energy get's depleted when we have orgasms. In other words, orgasm prevents the development of solar bodies, but does nothing once they arise.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
Nothing we do physically can damage those bodies. They are not physical, and are made of material that is essentially immortal.

The solar bodies are only vehicles. They are like armor that one can wear, but they are not the consciousness or the Being. They are important, but they are not our identity.

For the fortunate one who made them, the consciousness can use those bodies if the Being allows it. Those bodies belong to the Being, not the personality or the soul. Remember the myths of Athena giving weapons and armor to the heroes: those are the solar bodies being given to Tiphereth. They belong to divinity, and the soul can use them, but does not own them, and has no power to damage or destroy them.

So this question about the bodies actually has no basis.

The real question is what fornication does to your consciousness, and what consequences it creates.

The one who fornicates damages their physical and vital bodies, depletes their vital forces, creates a noxious atmosphere in their internal environment that offends divinity yet attracts parasites and filthiness, etc etc etc. It also creates enormous karmic consequences, especially when someone has already been instructed about chastity. Those who know the teachings but persist in fornication are punished very severely, because they should know better. They are essentially spilling their filth on something very sacred. Divinity does not tolerate this.

Part of that punishment is that their inner Being will not allow them to use the solar bodies, perhaps for many lifetimes. In such cases, while that soul suffers alone in the world or is processed in the hell realms, the solar bodies are set aside and essentially are "collecting dust" in case some day that soul earns the right to use them again.

As you know, even physically, once you commit a crime or harmful act, it is very hard to restore trust and respect. In the internal worlds, it is harder, because the stakes are much higher.

Those who know the teachings are held to a high standard, and when they fail, there are serious consequences.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

Almustafa selected the reply #31167 as the answer for this post — 4 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Nothing we do physically can damage those bodies. They are not physical, and are made of material that is essentially immortal.

The solar bodies are only vehicles. They are like armor that one can wear, but they are not the consciousness or the Being. They are important, but they are not our identity.

For the fortunate one who made them, the consciousness can use those bodies if the Being allows it. Those bodies belong to the Being, not the personality or the soul. Remember the myths of Athena giving weapons and armor to the heroes: those are the solar bodies being given to Tiphereth. They belong to divinity, and the soul can use them, but does not own them, and has no power to damage or destroy them.

So this question about the bodies actually has no basis.

The real question is what fornication does to your consciousness, and what consequences it creates.

The one who fornicates damages their physical and vital bodies, depletes their vital forces, creates a noxious atmosphere in their internal environment that offends divinity yet attracts parasites and filthiness, etc etc etc. It also creates enormous karmic consequences, especially when someone has already been instructed about chastity. Those who know the teachings but persist in fornication are punished very severely, because they should know better. They are essentially spilling their filth on something very sacred. Divinity does not tolerate this.

Part of that punishment is that their inner Being will not allow them to use the solar bodies, perhaps for many lifetimes. In such cases, while that soul suffers alone in the world or is processed in the hell realms, the solar bodies are set aside and essentially are "collecting dust" in case some day that soul earns the right to use them again.

As you know, even physically, once you commit a crime or harmful act, it is very hard to restore trust and respect. In the internal worlds, it is harder, because the stakes are much higher.

Those who know the teachings are held to a high standard, and when they fail, there are serious consequences.

Thank you very much Alexis. That's what I suspected.
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