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The Deformed Giant Polyphemus

Men and Gods, you must remember that damned land where the deformed giant Polyphemus filthily abided. He was always accompanied by a hundred of his brothers who were equivalent in his cruelty and monstrous stature.

Ulysses, the cunning warrior, destroyer of citadels, was sheltered with his people in the cave of this ogre, who started devouring all the guests without respecting any rule of hospitality.

However, Ulysses, the sagacious warrior, who was skillful, shrewd, and sharp in every type of mischief, achieved the inebriation of this enormous giant (who was satiated with human flesh) with delicious wine.

So, the monster was sleeping on his back on the ground close to his cave and vomiting wine mixed with the scattered flesh of those that he had inhumanely sacrificed.

A good opportunity exists for any warrior who is within the mouth of the wolf, and it is clear that the king of Ithaca (Ulysses) knew how to take advantage of such a situation.

It is said by those with wisdom that this sly warrior, cunning, artful as no other, took a sharply pointed stake hardened by fire and stabbed it without hesitation into the frontal eye of this colossus. Afterwards, he hastily fled far away from that cavern.

Aeneas, the illustrious Trojan man, verified the reality of the former story when he was navigating towards the land of Lacinium.

He disembarked with his people on that inhospitable land and listened to this story from the lips of Achaemenides. He saw Polyphemus appear high up on the mountain. This blind giant was walking with his sheep, heaving his vast bulk down from a high cliff, towards the shore he knew so well.

Possessed by panic, the Trojans cut the cables, embarked in concealment and took Achaemenides with them. The giant heard the struggling of the oars, and though not able to pursue the navigators, he raised a great clamor as when a lion roars, and then one hundred titans appeared, similar in stature to the high cedars or pines that adorn the sacred forest of Diana.

These are, then, the “Giants” (the titans) of antiquity, the ante- and postdiluvian Gibborim of the Bible. - H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

The five statues of Bamian discovered by the famous Chinese traveller Hsüan-tsang [Xuanzang] come into my memory.

The largest is made to represent the First Race of mankind, its ethereal [protoplasmic: semi‑ethereal, semi‑physical] body being commemorated in hard, everlasting stone, for the instruction of future generations, as its remembrance would otherwise never have survived the Atlantean Deluge. The second -- 120 feet high -- represents [with complete clarity, the Hyperborean] the sweat-born [second root-race]; and the third -- measuring 60 feet -- immortalizes...

...the Lemurian Root Race who inhabited the continent Mu, or Lemuria, which was situated in the Pacific Ocean.

...the last descendants of which are represented in the Statues found on Easter Isle.

The last descendants are represented in the famous statues found on Easter Island.

The fourth Root Race is represented by the next corresponding statue. This race lived on the Atlantean continent, situated in the Atlantic Ocean, and was smaller still than the previous one, though gigantic in comparison with our present fifth Root Race.

The last of these five images is a little higher than the average tall person of our current Root Race. It is obvious that this statue personifies the Aryan humanity that inhabits the present continents.

There exist everywhere, in all the corners of the world, Cyclopean ruins and colossal stones that are a living testimony of these giants.

Gigantic stones that could walk, talk, utter oracles, and even sing existed in the ancient times.

It is written that the...

...“Christ-stone,” or Christ-Rock, “the spiritual Rock” that followed “Israel” (I Corinth. x. 4) “became a Jupiter lapis,” swallowed by his father Saturn, “under the shape of a stone.”

Had there been no giants to move about such colossal rocks, there could never have been a Stonehenge, a Carnac (Brittany) and other such Cyclopean structures.

If in foregone times the true and legitimate magic science had not have existed upon the face of the earth, then:

...there could never have been so many witnesses to oracular and speaking stones.

In a poem on Stones attributed to Orpheus, those stones are divided into ophites and siderites, “serpent-stones” and “star-stones.” “The ‘Ophite’ is shaggy, hard, heavy, black, and has the gift of speech; when one prepares to cast it away, it produces a sound similar to the cry of a child. It is by means of this stone that Helanos foretold the ruin of Troy, his fatherland . . “ etc. (Falconnet.)

Very ancient sacred documents affirm that...

...Eusebius never parted with his ophites, which he carried in his bosom, and received oracles from them, delivered in a small voice resembling a low whistling.

(This was the same of course as the small voice heard by Elias or Elijah after the earthquake at the mouth of the cave (I Kings 19:12)).

It is also known that the famous stone at Westminster was called liafail -- “the speaking stone,” -- which raised its voice only to name the king that had to be chosen.

This stone had an inscription that is now erased by the dust of the centuries, which said:

“Ni fallat fatum, Scoti quocumque locatum
Invenient lapidem, regnasse tenentur ibidem.”
[Editor: One translation reads,
“Except old seers do feign,
And wizards’ wits be blind,
The Scots in place must reign,
Where they this stone shall find.”]

Finally, Suidas speaks of a certain Heraclius, who could distinguish at a glance the inanimate stones from those which were endowed with motion; and Pliny mentions stones which “ran away when a hand approached them.”

The monstrous stones of Stonehenge were called in ancient times chior‑gaur, or the dance of the giants.

Various very erudite authors, when writing of the ruins of Stonehenge, Carnac, and West Hoadley, give marvelous information about this particular subject. In those regions, enormous monoliths are found. Some of them weigh approximately 500,000 kilograms. The giants of ancient times were those who once could raise such boulders and could...

...range them in such symmetrical order that they should represent the planisphere, and place them in such wonderful equipoise that they seem to hardly touch the ground, are set in motion at the slightest touch of the finger, and would yet resist the efforts of twenty men who should attempt to displace them.

Giants were the ones who transported the stones for the construction of the pyramids of Egypt.

The Oscillating Stone was a medium for divination used by giants, but why do they oscillate? The most enormous of them are evidently relics of the Atlanteans. The smallest of them, like the rocks of Brimham, with oscillating rocks on their summit, are copies of the most ancient lithoid.