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  Saturday, 01 June 2024
  5 Replies
  406 Visits
The ascension of the Kundalini depends on the merits of the heart.

If one is driven by lust during the sexual act with a spouse, then the level of the fall will be more severe than one who unintentionally spills or orgasms. Recall that we must ‘descend’ into the ninth sphere (Yesod) with willpower that dominates the demons of the mind

Hello dear instructor,

I’d like to ask a question regarding voluntary spilling, but not out of lustfull desire.

My spouse greatly desires children and while I recognize there is egoic motivation behind that desire as well as negative karmic bonds with any children we might have, I am still determined to grant her this joy as I view the suffering I would cause her and our families would I choose not to have children.

Having children would be in the sacrifice of my desire to focus the creative force within me towards evolving my consciousness. Since she does not currently cultivate her relationship with God, conceiving through love, prayer and orgasm is not something she deems possible and would I think be willing to entertain as a valid “trying”.

Funnily enough, we tried for a year prior to me finding Gnosis and had no success, this implies to me that if it is nit Gods will, it won’t happen anyway.

Just out of theiretic curiosity however,

in such circumstances, granted there is zero lustfull desire to orgasm and the orgasm is viewed as sacrifice for someone else in a sense, would there then be the inherent descend into ego accompanied with the orgasms in addition to the blatant energy dump that the orgasm always represents?

Many thanks and God bless you. :)
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
There is no way to sanctify the killing of the Holy Spirit. On top of that, even with good intentions in mind, that one orgasm could be the tipping point that will start the complete degeneration towards the inferno, without any chance to rectify.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
There is no way to sanctify the killing of the Holy Spirit. On top of that, even with good intentions in mind, that one orgasm could be the tipping point that will start the complete degeneration towards the inferno, without any chance to rectify.
1 month ago
Thank you for your response.

This is a very difficult truth for my heart to accept.
3 weeks ago
Thanks so much for this answer - short and sweet - no frills.
Almustafa selected the reply #31158 as the answer for this post — 2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Yes, it is a very difficult answer to accept. There is a reason why this path is known as initiation, since few enter into it and even fewer achieve mastery. You have to seriously evaluate what it is you want in life and from this teaching, because in all honesty, this work is not for everyone. We feel deep sympathy for you in your dilemma, because while it is a noble aspiration to raise children, it also has its costs. The same with the initiatic work.

However, it is possible to engender children of wisdom through transmutation, although the stipulations and requirements are stringent and demanding. It depends on the seriousness of the couple, the law of karma, and the will of divinity. We recommend you study the following chapter from The Yellow Book to learn more:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

2 weeks ago
Thank you Almustafa for your compassionate comment, I highly appreciate it.

I have studied all the mentions of "conceiving children through alchemy" I could find, here on your platform and also on others.

Through analyzing all of the statements to the mechanics of it, I've noticed that they often contradict each other in various ways. Leading me to a final conclusion that the will of divinity is very elusive and mystical and it is probably impossible for us to make factual statements to the mechanics of how children of transmutation can be happen.

Although I had the fortune of speaking about this with one developed Gnostic, I am unable to get more "statistical" information as I am not a part of a physical group myself.

What I've found out however is that children of alchemy can happen and also have happened in couples where one is a student and the other is not for example. Implying that the incident is maybe not as rare as the chapter of the Yellow Book implies. Common logic could also lead us to the conclusion that there are children of "lesser" wisdom and of "higher" wisdom, with the former perhaps being the rare occurence often mentioned.

Obviously this is a sensitive subject and it is absolutely nobody's business how exactly children in Gnosis appear. With that said, what would be quite interesting for me to know is how many children are there generally in Gnosticism? Because assuming that people generally become parents according to their particular Karma, one could then make the assumption that if that person or that couple is meant to have children, they will have them regardless of them being devotees of chastity or "common" people.

It would truly then be interesting to hear if Gnostics eventually generally have as many children as the common population, or half, or quarter maybe, or maybe it is really as rare as some of the mentions claim.

I apologize for being so pushy with the subject and I realize that the goal of Glorian is to convey the teachings for us the students and to not cater to our personal confusions.

With that said, should anyone respond to this post, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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