Intellectual Norms
In the course of everyday life, each person has his own criterion, a more or less stale way of thinking by not being open to new things. This is irrefutable, indisputable, and incontrovertible.
The mind of the intellectual humanoid is degenerate, deteriorated, and in an obvious state of devolution.
Indeed, the intellectual capacity for understanding of today’s humanity is similar to that of an old, inert and absurd mechanical structure, itself incapable of any authentic flexible phenomena.
There is a lack of pliability in the mind. It is entrapped within various rigid and extemporaneous norms.
Everyone has their own rigid, fixed norms and criteria within which they incessantly act and react.
Most tragic of all in this matter is that millions of criteria equal millions of absurd and putrefying norms.
In any case, people never perceive themselves as mistaken; each mind is a world of its own, and there is no doubt that within so many mental labyrinths are found extensive deceitful sophisms and unbearable stupidity.
However, the narrow norm of the masses leaves no room for the slightest suspicion of the intellectual imprisonment in which it is found.
These modern people are pea brains who think the best of themselves, brag that they are liberals, super-geniuses, believe themselves to have a broad-minded approach.
Learned ignoramuses are the most stubborn ones. In reality, speaking Socratically this time, we would say: “Not only do they not know, but moreover they are unaware that they do not know.”
The villains of the intellect cling to those antiquated standards of the past which are violently processed by virtue of their own imprisonment, and they emphatically refuse to accept anything which does not fit into their own cast-iron standards.
Learned know-it-all ignoramuses think that anything which, for one reason or another, departs from the rigid path of their rusty procedures is totally absurd. This is how these wretched people with their very difficult approach deceive themselves miserably.
Boasting of genius, the pseudo-sapient of this era look down in disdain at those who have the courage to withdraw from their decaying timeworn standards. Worst of all is that they do not even remotely suspect the harsh reality of their own crude awkwardness.
The intellectual wretchedness of those rancid minds is such that they even have the arrogance to demand demonstrations of that which is real, of that which is not of the mind.
People of stunted and intolerant intelligence refuse to understand that the experience of what is real comes only with the absence of the ego.
Unquestionably, it would be impossible to recognize directly the mysteries of life and death without opening the Inner Mind within us.
In this chapter, it would not be an overstatement to repeat that only the superlative consciousness of the Being can know the truth.
The Inner Mind can only function with information provided by the cosmic consciousness of the Being.
The subjective intellect, with its dialectical reasoning, can know nothing about what escapes its jurisdiction.
We already know that the concepts contained within dialectical reasoning are produced with information provided by the senses of external perception.
Those found to be imprisoned within their intellectual procedures and set standards will always offer resistance to these revolutionary ideas.
Only by the radical and definitive dissolution of the ego is it possible to awaken the consciousness and actually open the Inner Mind.
Nevertheless, as these revolutionary statements do not fit into the confines of formal logic, or within dialectical logic, the subjective reactions of devolutionary minds raise violent resistance.
Those wretched intellectuals wish to pour an ocean into a glass, supposing that the university can control all the wisdom of the universe and that all cosmic laws are obliged to submit to their old academic rules.
The ignorant paragons of wisdom do not even remotely suspect the degenerate state in which they find themselves.
At times, such people stand out for a moment when they arrive in the esoteric world, but soon they are extinguished like will-o’-the-wisps, vanishing from the panorama of spiritual uneasiness, engulfed by intellect, disappearing from the stage forever.
The superficiality of the intellect can never penetrate the legitimate depths of the Being. However, subjective processes of rationalism can lead the foolish to all kinds of very brilliant conclusions, no matter how absurd.
Never can the formulating power of logical concepts imply the authentic experience of what is real.
The convincing game of dialectical reasoning causes the reasoner to be fascinated with himself so that he is always easily deceived.
The brilliant procession of ideas dazzles the scoundrel of the intellect and gives him a certain self-sufficiency so absurd that he rejects anything which does not smack of dust from libraries and ink of the universities.
Delirium tremens in a drunk alcoholic are an unmistakable symptom, but those intoxicated with theories are easily mistaken for geniuses.
Having come to this point in our chapter, we will state that it is certainly extremely difficult to know where the scoundrels’ intellectualism ends and where their madness begins.
As long as we continue to be imprisoned within the corrupt and rancid norms of the intellect, it will be more than impossible to experience that which is not of the mind, that which is not of time, that which is real.