Scientific Jargon
Didactic logic is conditioned and qualified by the prepositions “on” and “about,” which never take us to a direct experience of what is real.
Nature’s phenomena are very far from being as scientists see them.
Certainly, as soon as a phenomenon is discovered, it is immediately qualified or labeled with this or that difficult term of scientific jargon.
Obviously, the difficult technology of modern science only serves as a cover for its ignorance.
Natural phenomena are in no way as scientists see them.
Life with all of its processes and phenomena unfolds from moment to moment, from instant to instant, and when the scientific mind detains it for analysis, it in fact kills it.
Any inference extracted from a natural phenomenon is in no manner equal to the concrete reality of that phenomenon. Unfortunately, the scientific mind, deluded by its own theories, firmly believes in the reality of its inferences.
A deluded intellect not only sees the reflection of its own concepts in phenomena. But also, and what is worse, it wants to dictatorially formulate phenomena to be exactly and absolutely equal to all those concepts carried in the intellect.
The phenomenon of intellectual delusion is fascinating. None of those ignorant, ultramodern scientists would admit the reality of their own delusions.
Certainly, the know-it-alls of our time would never allow themselves to be classified as deluded.
The power of their own autosuggestion has made them believe in the reality of all the ideas of scientific jargon.
Obviously a deluded mind presumes itself to be conscious and dictatorially wants all natural processes to march in step with its own pedantries.
As soon as a new phenomenon appears, we classify, label, and put it in place as though, in fact, we had understood it.
There are thousands of terms that have been invented to label phenomena, but the pseudo-sapient knows nothing of the reality of phenomena.
As a vivid example of everything that we are stating in this chapter we cite the human body.
In the name of truth we can affirm emphatically that the physical body is absolutely unknown to modern scientists.
Such an affirmation would appear to be very insolent to the pontiffs of modern science; unquestionably, in their eyes we deserve to be excommunicated.
Nevertheless, we have a very sound basis in which to make such a daring statement. Unfortunately, deluded minds are so convinced of their own pseudo-sapience that they could never even remotely accept the harsh reality of their ignorance.
If we were to tell the leaders of modem science that Count Cagliostro, a very interesting personage of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, is still alive in the middle of this century; if we were to tell them that Paracelsus, the distinguished doctor of the Middle Ages, still exists today, you can be sure that the leaders of modern science would laugh at us and would never accept our affirmations.
However, it is so. They actually live on this Earth. They are genuine mutants, immortal men whose bodies date back thousands and even millions of years.
The author of this book knows mutants. However, he is aware of modern skepticism, the delusion of scientists and the ignorant state of know-it-alls.
Because of this, we are under no illusion that the fanatics of scientific jargon would ever accept the reality of our unusual statements.
The body of any mutant is an open challenge to the scientific jargon of our times.
The body of any mutant can change form and then return to its normal state without being damaged in any way.
The body of any mutant can penetrate instantaneously into the fourth dimension and assume any vegetable or animal form whatsoever, subsequently returning to its normal state without suffering any harm.
The body of any mutant violently challenges the old texts of official anatomy.
Unfortunately, none of these statements will convince those who are deluded by scientific jargon.
Those gentlemen, ensconced upon their pontifical thrones, unquestionably regard us with disdain, perhaps with anger, and possibly even with some pity.
However, the truth is what it is, and the reality of mutants is an open challenge to all ultramodern theory.
The author of this book knows mutants but expects no one to believe him.
Every organ in the human body is controlled by laws and forces, of which those deluded with scientific jargon, do not have even the faintest idea about.
Elements of Nature are in themselves unknown to official science. The best chemical formulas are incomplete: H20, two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen to make water becomes something empirical.
If we attempt to join, under laboratory conditions, an atom of oxygen with two of hydrogen, the result is not water or anything like it, because the formula is incomplete; the element fire is missing. Only with this element (fire) is it possible to create water.
Intellectualism, no matter how brilliant it might seem, can never lead us to the experience of what is real.
The classification of substances and the difficult barbarisms with which we label them only serve as a cover for ignorance.
That the intellect wants this or that substance to have a specific name and certain characteristics is absurd and intolerable.
Why does the intellect presume itself to be omniscient? Why does it delude itself into believing that substances and phenomena are just the way it thinks that they are? Why does the intellect want Nature to be a perfect replica of all its theories, ideas, opinions, dogmas, biases and prejudices?
Indeed, natural phenomena are not as they are believed to be, and natural substances and forces are in no way as the intellect thinks they are.
The awakened consciousness is not the mind, the memory, or anything similar. Only liberated consciousness is capable of directly experiencing for itself the reality of life free in its motion.
However, we must emphatically affirm that as long as any subjective element exists within us, the consciousness will remain confined within such an element and, thus, will be unable to enjoy continuous and perfect enlightenment.