The Three Minds
Everywhere there are many scoundrels of the intellect lacking positive direction and who are poisoned with loathsome skepticism.
Certainly, the repugnant poison of skepticism has infected human minds alarmingly since the eighteenth century.
Before that time, the famous Nontrabada, or Encubierta island, located off the Spanish coast, was constantly visible and tangible.
There is no doubt that such an island is situated in the fourth dimension. Many are the anecdotes related to this mysterious island.
After the eighteenth century, the aforementioned island was lost in eternity; no one knows anything at all about it.
In the times of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, elementals of Nature were manifest everywhere, deeply penetrating our physical atmosphere.
Many are the tales of elves, leprechauns, and fairies, which still abound in green Erin, Ireland. Unfortunately, all these things of innocence, all this beauty from the soul of the Earth is no longer perceived by humanity. This is due to the intellectual scoundrel’s pedantries and the animal ego’s excessive development.
Nowadays, the know-it-all ignoramuses laugh at all these things, rejecting them, though deep down they have not even remotely achieved happiness.
If people understood that we have three minds, it would be a very different story. They might even become more interested in these studies.
Unfortunately, learned ignoramuses, absorbed as they are in the labyrinth of their own difficult scholarly pursuits, do not even have the time to pay any serious attention to our studies.
These hopeless people are self-sufficient; they are conceited with vain intellectualism; they think that they are on the right path; and they do not have even the slightest idea that they are up a blind alley.
In the name of truth we must state that in synthesis we have three minds.
The first one we can and must call the Sensual Mind. The second we shall christen with the name of Intermediate Mind. The third we shall call the Inner Mind.
Now we are going to study each of these three minds separately and judiciously.
Unquestionably, the Sensual Mind develops its basic concepts via external sensory perceptions.
Under these conditions, the Sensual Mind is terribly crude and materialistic. It cannot accept anything which has not been physically demonstrated.
Since the fundamental concepts of the Sensual Mind are based on external sensory data, undoubtedly, it can know nothing about what is real, about the truth, about the mysteries of life and death, about the Soul and the Spirit, etc.
For the rogues of the intellect, totally trapped by their external senses and incarcerated within the basic concepts of the Sensual Mind, our esoteric studies are lunacy.
In the reasoning of the unreasonable, in an insane world, they are right, due to the conditioning by the external sensory world. How could the Sensual Mind accept what is not sensory?
If information from the senses serves as a secret means for all functions of the Sensual Mind, then it is obvious that the latter generates sensory concepts.
The Intermediate Mind is different. It has no direct knowledge of what is real either; it confines itself to belief and that is all.
Found in the Intermediate Mind are religious beliefs, unbreakable dogmas, etc.
The Inner Mind is fundamental for the direct experience of the truth.
Undoubtedly, the Inner Mind creates its basic concepts with information contributed by the superlative consciousness of the Being.
Unquestionably, the consciousness can live and experience reality. Without a doubt, the consciousness knows the truth.
To manifest itself however, the consciousness needs a mediator, an instrument of action, and this in itself is the Inner Mind.
Consciousness knows directly the reality of each natural phenomenon and can manifest it through the Inner Mind.
To open the Inner Mind would be the appropriate thing to do in order to remove ourselves from the world of doubt and ignorance.
This means that only by opening the Inner Mind will genuine faith be born within the human being.
Viewing this question from another angle, we would say that materialist skepticism is a characteristic peculiar to ignorance. There is no doubt that learned ignoramuses are 100 percent skeptical.
Faith is the direct perception of what is real, it is fundamental wisdom; it is the experience of that which is beyond the body, the affections and the mind.
We must distinguish between faith and belief. Beliefs are found stored in the Intermediate Mind. Faith is a characteristic of the Inner Mind.
Unfortunately, there is always a general tendency to confuse belief with faith. Although it seems paradoxical, we emphasize the following: “Those who have true faith do not need to believe.”
This is because genuine faith is living knowledge, exact cognition, and direct experience.
For many centuries, people have confused faith and belief. Now it is very difficult to make them understand that faith is true knowledge and never futile beliefs.
The sapient function of the Inner Mind has as its intimate resource all that formidable data from the wisdom embodied in consciousness.
One who has opened the Inner Mind recalls one’s previous existences, knows the mysteries of life and death; not because of what one has or has not read, not because of what someone has or has not said, not because of what one has or has not believed, but because of terribly real and vivid direct experience.
The Sensual Mind does not like what we are saying here. The Sensual Mind cannot accept this because it is out of its grasp, has nothing whatever to do with external sensory perceptions. This is alien to its own basic concepts, to that which was taught at school or what was learned from various books, etc.
What we are saying here is not accepted by the Intermediate Mind either, as it is contrary to its own beliefs. This spoils what its religious teachers made it learn by heart.
Jesus, the great Kabir, warned his disciples by saying:
Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. - Matthew 16:6
Obviously, with this warning Jesus the Christ was referring to the doctrines of the materialistic Sadducees and the hypocritical Pharisees.
The doctrine of the Sadducees is the Sensual Mind. It is the doctrine of the five senses.
The doctrine of the Pharisees is irrefutably and without dispute situated in the Intermediate Mind.
Clearly, the Pharisees gather at their rites in order to be seen, so that it will be said that they are good people. They pretend in front of others, but they never work on themselves.
It is impossible to open the Inner Mind unless we learn to think psychologically.
Unquestionably, when someone starts to observe himself, it is a sign that he is beginning to think psychologically.
As long as we do not admit the reality of our own psychology and the possibility of changing it fundamentally, we certainly do not feel the necessity for psychological self-observation.
When one accepts the Doctrine of the Many Selves and understands the need to eliminate the different egos carried within one’s psyche (for the purpose of liberating the consciousness, the Essence) undoubtedly, one initiates, in fact and by one’s own rights, psychological self-observation.
Obviously, the elimination of undesirable elements carried in our psyches commences the opening of the Inner Mind.
All this means that the aforementioned opening takes place gradually as we annihilate those undesirable elements which we carry within our psyches.
Whosoever has eliminated those undesirable elements 100 percent from within, will also have obviously opened up the Inner Mind 100 percent.
Such a person will possess absolute faith. Now you will understand the words of Christ when he said:
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, ‘Remove hence to yonder place;’ and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. - Matthew 17: 20