The Corsair
For a great number of superficial people, the theory of reincarnation is a cause for laughter. To others who are very religious, it can signify a taboo or a sin. For the pseudo-occultists, this is a very firm belief. For the scoundrels of the intellect, this is a disheveled utopia. Yet for us, the ones who can remember our prior existences, reincarnation is a fact.
In the name of truth, I have to solemnly affirm that I was born remembering all of my past reincarnations, and to swear to this is not a crime. I am a man with an awakened consciousness.
Obviously, we must make a frank differentiation between reincarnation and return (two very distinct laws), although this is not the objective of this present chapter. After this preamble let us get to the facts, to the point.
In olden times, when the seas of the world were infested with pirate vessels, I had to pass through a tremendous bitterness. At that time, the Bodhisattva of the Angel Diobulo Cartobu was reincarnated. It is not worthless to affirm with a certain emphasis that such a being was in possession of a feminine body of splendid beauty. It is clear that I was her father.
Unfortunately, in an ill starred hour, the cruel piracy that did not respect lives or honor kidnapped all the beautiful girls after having isolated that European town where many citizens abided in peace. It is clear that my daughter, an innocent maiden of those forgone times, was among those beauties.
In spite of the terror of many villagers, I courageously achieved (placing my own life in danger) the confrontation of the treacherous captain of that corsair ship. “You take my daughter out of that hell in which you have placed her, and I promise you that I will take your soul out from that hell in which it already is!” Such were my painful exclamations.
The dreaded corsair, while looking at me with fierceness, had pity on my insignificant person, and with an imperative voice commanded me to wait for a while.
I watched with infinite longing as the filibuster returned to his black ship. I understood that he knew how to deceive his sea wolves with astuteness because moments after, he gave my daughter back to me.
Bless my soul, oh God, and hail Mary! Who would think that after various centuries I was going to re-encounter the ego of that dreaded corsair re-incorporated within a new human organism?
Thus, this is the law of the eternal return of all beings and things. Everything is repeated in accordance with another law called recurrence.
One night, with great spiritual longings, I found him joyous among the select group of those aspiring to be Rosicrucians.
That old corsair also spoke the English language, and he even told me of having traveled a lot, because he was a sailor for a North American naval company.
However, our friendship became an “ignis fatuous,” a “sudden blaze of straw,” because I very soon plainly verified that this man, in spite of his mystical longings, continued in his more intimate depths as an ancient corsair dressed for modern times.
With much enthusiasm, that gentleman narrated to me his astral experiences, because it is unquestionable that he knew how to astral project himself at will.
One given day among others, we arranged a transcendental metaphysical meeting to be realized in the Summum Supremum Sanctuarium of Berlin, Germany.
For me, this was a relatively new experience, because it did not occur to me until then to perform an experiment of the voluntary projection of the Eidolon. However, I knew that I could do it. Therefore, I daringly accepted such a meeting.
With complete clarity, I remember those solemn moments in which I was converted into a spy of my own dream...
In mystical lurking, I waited for the instant of that transition that exists between vigil and dream. I wanted to take advantage of those marvelous moments in order to escape from my physical body.
The state of lassitude and the first dream images were enough in order to completely understand that the awaited for moment was arriving...
I arose from my bed delicately, and walking very slowly, I left my house feeling possessed by a certain spiritual, exquisite, and delicious voluptuousness...
It is unquestionable that when I arose from my bed in the instant of drowsiness, the astral projection, the natural separation of the Eidolon, was performed.
With that very extraordinary shining of the astral body, I departed from all of those surroundings, yearning to arrive at the temple of Berlin...
Clearly, I had to marvelously travel over the boisterous waters of the Atlantic Ocean...
By serenely floating in the radiant astral atmosphere of this world, I arrived at the lands of old Europe and immediately directed myself to the capital of France...
I silently wandered as a phantom through all of those old streets which in other times served as the scenario for the French Revolution...
Suddenly, something unusual happened. A telepathic wave reached my solar plexus, and I felt the absolute imperative necessity of entering into a precious abode...
I never in any way would regret having trespassed the wealthy threshold of such a noble mansion, because there I had the immense joy of finding a friend of my past incarnation...
That fellow was wonderfully floating, submerged in the fluidic astral environment, out of his dense body that was sleeping within the perfumed bed of mahogany...
In the nuptial bridal bed, the delicate physical body of his well-beloved was sleeping as well. The sidereal soul of this one was sharing the wonderful joy of her husband and was floating out of her mortal receptacle...
I saw two tender infants of splendid beauty happily playing within the magical enchantment of that abode...
I saluted my ancient friend and also his ineffable Eve, but the children were frightened by my unexpected presence...
It seemed better for me to withdraw from there and go along those streets of Paris. My friend did not reject my idea and conversing together we departed from that mansion of delights...
We walked slowly, slowly, along all of those streets and avenues that go from the center towards the periphery...
All of a sudden (as is usually said), I proposed to him to visit the temple of Berlin in Germany together. The initiate very gently declined this invitation with the objection that he had a spouse and children and therefore wanted only to concentrate his attention on the economical problems of life...
With great sorrow, I moved away from that awakened man, lamenting that he was postponing his esoteric work...
Suspending myself in the astral light of marvels and prodigies, I passed above an old and very ancient wall...
Joyfully, I traveled along the winding way that in a serpentine form unfolded here, there, and everywhere...
Intoxicated with ecstasy I arrived at the temple of transparent walls. The entrance of that holy place was certainly very remarkable...
I saw a type of park that people usually enjoy on Sundays, filled with very beautiful plants and exquisite flowers that exhaled a breath of death...
The temple of splendors was shining solemnly in the extraordinary depth of such an enchanted garden...
The iron railed grille doors that gave access to the precious park of the sanctuary opened sometimes in order for someone to enter; sometimes they were closing...
The whole delicate and marvelous conjunction appeared illuminated with the immaculate light of the universal spirit of life...
Before the sancta sanctorum, I joyfully found many noble aspirants of diverse nationalities, towns, and languages...
These mystic souls, moved by the force of their longing, had escaped from the dense and mortal form in order to come to the sancta during the hours in which the physical body sleeps...
All of these sublime devotees conversed about ineffable things. They were talking about the law of karma. They were discoursing about extraordinary cosmic matters... They were exuding from themselves the perfume of friendship and the fragrance of sincerity.
In this state of happiness, I wandered here, there, and everywhere, searching for the daring filibuster who boldly proposed to me such a tremendous meeting...
I interrupted many groups asking for the alluded to gentleman of long ago, but none could give me an answer...
I then understood that such an ancient pirate did not accomplish his pledged word. I was ignorant of his motives, I felt deceived...
Silently, I resolved to approach the glorious door of the temple of wisdom. I tried to penetrate within the holy place, but the guardian closed the door while telling me, “It is not yet the hour, withdraw...”
Serenely, and comprehending everything, I joyfully sat on a symbolic stone, very close to the gate of mystery...
In those instants of plenitude, I observed myself in an integral way. Certainly, I am not a being with a subjective psyche. I was born with an awakened consciousness and I have access to objective knowledge...
How beautiful the astral body looked to me! (This body was a splendid result of very ancient transmutations of the libido).
I remembered my physical body that was now lying asleep in the remote distance of the occidental world, in a town of America.
While observing myself, I committed the error of comparing the true astral and the physical vehicles. By such a comparison, I lost the ecstasy and instantaneously returned into the interior of my dense material shroud...
I arose from my bed moments after. I had achieved a marvelous astral projection...
When I severely questioned the old filibuster as to his reason for not being capable of accomplishing his word, he did not know how to give me a satisfactory answer.
Thirty-five years passed since that epoch in which that old sea wolf and I arranged such a mysterious meeting...
Beyond time and distance, that strange person was already only a written memory within the dusty pages of my old chronicles...
Nonetheless, I confess and plainly speak that after so many years, I became astonished by something unusual...
One spring night, while absent from the dense, perishable form, I saw the Lord Shiva (the Holy Spirit), my sacred super-individual Monad, with the ineffable resemblance of the Ancient of Days…
With great severity, the Lord was reprimanding the old corsair of the seas. It is unquestionable that the physical body of this man was lying down in bed during those hours of the night...
With longing, I wanted to intervene as a third in the discussion. The Elder of the Centuries in a categorical way commanded my quietude and silence...
Long ago, that pirate returned my daughter to me. He had taken her from that hell within which he himself put her...
Now my real Being, Samael, was struggling in order to liberate him, to emancipate him, in order to take him out of the infernal worlds…