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The Eleventh Achievement of Heracles

The eleventh achievement of Heracles, the solar hero, took place in the transatlantic dominion, which consisted of taking possession of the golden apples of the Garden of the Hesperides—the nymph daughters of Hesperus who are a vivid representation of the planet Venus, the delectable star of love...

Since he did not know the way to the garden, first of all he needed to seize Nereus, he who knows everything. Then, in Africa, in hand to hand combat, he had to confront the frightful giant Antaeus, son of Poseidon...

It is customary that this journey be also related with the liberation of Prometheus-Lucifer and the killing of the eagle that tormented him. It is also related with the temporary substitution of the famous Atlas with Heracles. Heracles carried the world upon his titanic back, instead of Atlas, in order to get his help...

Finally, the symbolic golden apples are delivered to Heracles by the Hesperides themselves, for he previously killed the dragon that guarded them...

Evidently, this achievement has a close relation with the Biblical story of the fruits of the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil in the Edenic garden. However, in this Garden of Eden the dragon is substituted by a serpent, who entices the taking and the eating of those marvellous fruits. Afterwards, Heracles delivers these fruits to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, his divine protector...

Before the ascension to the Father (the First Logos), the intrepid descent into the old Tartarus of the eleventh planet of our solar system became urgent, undeferable, unpostponable.

A craggy, broken and uneven descending path fatally conducted me to the frightful darkness of the city of Dis...

My “Nereus,” or better if said my “guruji, master, or guide,” patiently taught me all the dangers...

Certainly, it was in those horrifying abysses of pain within that planet that is beyond the orbit of Pluto where I found Antaeus. This immense giant was even more frightful than the disproportionate Briareus...

Dante the Florentine exclaimed in his Divine Comedy:

“O you, who lived within the famous valley (where Scipio became the heir of glory when Hannibal retreated with his men), who took a thousand lions as your prey—and had you been together with your brothers in their high war, it seems some still believe the sons of earth would have become the victors—do set us down below, where cold shuts in Cocytus, and do not disdain that task.

“Don’t send us on to Tityus of Typhon; this man can give you what is longed for here; therefore bend down and do not curl your lip.

“He still can bring you fame within the world, for he’s alive and still expects long life, unless grace summon him before his time.”

So said my master; and in haste Antaeus stretched out his hands, whose massive grip had once been felt by Heracles, and grasped my guide.

And Virgil, when he felt himself caught up, called out to me: “Come here, so I can hold you,” then made one bundle of himself and me.

Just as the Garisenda seems when seen beneath the leaning side, when clouds run past and it hangs down as if about to crash, so did Antaeus seem to me as I watched him bend over me—a moment when I’d have preferred to take some other road.

But gently—on the deep that swallows up both Lucifer and Judas—he placed us; nor did he, so bent over, stay there long, but, like a mast above a ship, he rose. (This is textual from The Divine Comedy, Canto XXXI lines 115-145).

Antaeus: An allegorical, magical personage who is a Titan representing the “tenebrous, abysmal hordes...”

After having fought very bloody battles against the demons of the city of Dis, Lucifer-Prometheus had to be liberated...

I saw the steely door of the horrifying dungeon opening. The guardian yielded him the way...

Terrible scenes from this obscure abode, unusual and unsuspected cases—this is what “the dwellers of the Earth” ignore...

Lucifer is the guardian of the door, who alone is entrusted with the keys of the sanctuary that no one may enter therein, save the anointed ones having the secret of Hermes...

Christus-Lucifer of the Gnostics is the god of wisdom who has distinct names. He is the god of our planet Earth who is without a shadow of evilness, since he is one with the Platonic Logos...

Prometheus-Lucifer is the minister of the Solar Logos and the resplendent lord of the seven mansions of Hades...

Certainly, Lucifer is the spirit of humanity’s spiritual illumination and of the liberty of election, and metaphysically the torch of humanity. He is the Logos in his superior aspect and the adversary in his inferior aspect, the divine and chained Prometheus, the centrifuge and active energy of the universe, fire, light, struggle, effort, consciousness, liberty, independence, etc., etc., etc.

Lucifer is he who bears the sword and the scale of cosmic justice, because to him is undoubtedly committed the norm of weight and measure and number.

Lucifer is the reflection of the intimate Logoi within each one of us. He is the shadow of the Lord projected in the depth of our Being...

In the instants when I write these lines, something unusual comes into my memory...

One given night (it does not matter which), I found this frightful personage inside a beautiful room...

In an imposing manner, “Prometheus-Lucifer” was sustaining himself on bestial legs instead of human feet, while staring at me threateningly... Two frightful horns were dreadfully displayed on his sinister forehead. However, he was dressed as an elegant gentleman...

Approaching him with serenity, I patted him on the shoulders and opportunely said, “You do not frighten me, I know you very well; you have not defeated me, I am victorious...”

This colossus withdrew and I, while seated on a soft and perfumed bed of mahogany, waited for awhile ...

Posteriorly, a dangerous feminine beauty entered the room. She lay down naked upon the bed...

Almost dismayed with lust, this beauty wrapped me within her indecent arms in order to invite me to the pleasures of the flesh...

While laying down next to this beauty, I showed my powers to the devil: I dominated myself...

Afterwards, I stood up from the bed of pleasures. Such a feminine beauty, almost dead with lubricity, uselessly contemplated me while feeling disappointed...

Following, a resplendent child entered into the room, a radiant creature, terrifically divine...

The sublime infant, wealthily attired with a beautiful sacerdotal tunic of a very special black color, passed through the exotic precinct...

I immediately recognized him. I approached him very quietly and told him, “It is useless for you to continue disguising yourself, I always recognize you: Oh Lucifer!... You can never defeat me...”

Then, that sublime creature, terror of the ignorant, smiled with infinite sweetness...

Unquestionably, he is the “Divine Daemon” of Socrates, our special coach in the psychological gymnasium of life...

Just is Lucifer’s freedom after his hard labor. Then, the Logos swallows him, absorbs him...

Until here we have this narrative. Let us now continue with the transcendental theme of this chapter...

Certainly, my new priestess in the Mountain of the Ascension became extraordinary...

Obviously, my intimate process was accelerated, and as a consequence I achieved taking possession of the golden apples of the Garden of the Hesperides...

The Venusian nymphs, exquisitely delectable, fell at my feet—they could not defeat me...

When concluding the magical labors within this Avernus, I victoriously ascended to the Father...

It is obvious that this transcendental event in no way could pass unnoticed...

Such a cosmic event was then celebrated with infinite happiness in the sancta...

Upon a splendid throne, seated before the august confraternity, I felt myself completely transformed...

In those unutterable moments, “the Elder of Days,” “my Father who is in secret,” “the Goodness of Goodness,” “the Occult of the Occult,” “the Mercy of Mercies,” “Kether of the Hebraic Kabbalah,” shone inside of me. He definitively crystallized in the whole presence of my Being...

The brothers and sisters of the White Universal Fraternity, with infinite veneration, contemplated me in those instants... My countenance assumed the aspect of an elder...

Indubitably, I had achieved the crystallization of the three primary forces of the universe within the diverse parts of my Being...